On Monday 04.02.2019, María Rosa Laborda Peñalver, director of the IES Politécnico de Cartagena, Ángel Albaladejo Fernández, head of studies and Luis David Alonso Martínez, deputy head of studies on behalf of the IES Politécnico de Cartagena, and Concha Solano  ( Ikasia Technologies) and José Luis Gómez Ribelles of the Universitat Politècnica de València for the Erasmus + project team met at the IES Politécnico de Cartagena.

This fruitful meeting allowed to present the Erasmus + project “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams”, opening a framework of collaboration.



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