On May 27, 2019 at the IES Isaac Peral of Cartagena, a multiplier event was organized by Ikasia Technologies SL, in which it was presented the Erasmus + project “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams ”. The event included a conference presented by Professor José Luis Gómez Ribelles from the Polytechnic University of Valencia. Besides presenting the intellectual results of the project, he explained the practices carried out as a pilot test of the project with a VET student in the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) of the Polytechnic University of Valencia, where the methodology created in the project could be carried out and demonstrated the opportunity for both the student and the high-tech center. On the other hand, centers interested in the use of methodological guides and participating in work practices in research centers were sought.
This multiplier event was attended by 151 multiplying agents, including teaching staff of the IES Isaac Peral of Cartagena, political leaders and teachers of VET centers. It was presented and promoted the implementation of the Erasmus + project “CRİTİCAL THİNKİNG AS A STEP FORWARD İN VET EDUCATİON: VET students immersed in high technology teams”, encouraging the creation of networks between companies, research centers and VET centers to inspire intersectorial professional training. Also it provided the opportunity to show the possibilities and opportunities that the project entails both for VET students and for Technology Centers.

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