Duration: 1 month (From 1st to 29th July, 2024)
Host entity: Ikasia Technologies SL
Sending entity: 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaia
Number of students: 1
Number of participating technicians: 5
Number of participating teachers: 4
Main objectives of the mobility
To ensure that students acquire specific training for their training cycle (in accordance with the new model of Vocational Training) while preparing them for their access to the labour market in the technology sector, through their training and participation in technological innovation projects.
Strengthen the ties of collaboration between the education sector and the technology sector for the reception of mobilities with the new VET model.
To promote the labor, social and personal inclusion of a student with obstacles.
Demonstrate that the “Course for Technology Companies: Training on how to implement new mobilities” not only allows the company to effectively plan the student’s work plan, but also to train the company’s tutor to train the student in the learning outcomes linked to their studies and in aspects of the business environment, the world of work and the development of critical thinking.
During the month of July 2024 we carried out a mobility of a computer science student of 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias in the facilities of Ikasia Technologies SL as a pilot test of the Erasmus Plus project “Futurevet”. This pilot test allowed to carry out the first student mobility with the new VET model in Spain, and to test the methodology created in the framework of the mentioned Erasmus Plus project for the training of a student of a dual training cycle during his period of stay in the company.
During the mobility, the student participated in a project for the design and development of a website capable of establishing Wi-Fi communication with a 3D printer and sending text files at the user’s request.
The student was in charge of the design and programming of a website that would meet the demands set by the company. All the parameters of the programming, language, communication protocols, architecture and interface design, among others, had to be defined and selected by the student, under the advice of the tutor and the company’s technicians.
During the participation in this project, the student received and acquired training of his computer training studies (which allowed him to acquire learning results), expand his knowledge, put into practice what he learned in his studies and acquire training in the field of 3D printing. Throughout the mobility, the student showed a lot of interest, motivation and responsibility, performing all the tasks that have been asked of him in the established time. He showed a lot of proactivity in the realization of proposals, and the mastery of critical and scientific thinking skills, key in working in technology companies. In addition, this mobility has meant for him a first work experience in the technology sector, essential for his future work.
For its part, the technology company has proven its ability to host student internships with a new model of VT in which the company’s tutor is responsible for part of the student’s training. In addition, thanks to the COURSE FOR TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES: TRAINING ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT NEW MOBILITIES and in collaboration with the educational center, the company tutor created the work plan and managed to ensure that the student not only acquired the training related to their training cycle, but also understood much better both the project and the work methodology. allowing us to achieve all the objectives of both mobility and the work plan.

Aggelos Verras
1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias
Hi, Verras Aggelos, and from 7/1/2024 to 7/29/2024 I worked within the Erasmus Plus program in Valencia, Spain, at the company IKASIA Technologies. My job there was to use the knowledge I acquired in school as a computer science student to create a website that would wirelessly connect to a 3D printer. At first, I thought that the assigned task was difficult and that I would not succeed, but my partner, Luis, helped me by explaining how a 3D printer works. With that help and after some consultations with the boss, where he explained how he wanted the website to be, I got down to work.
The time I had to deliver the website was about four weeks. Thanks to this project I gained new knowledge about programming and especially about web pages. I learned about the different types of 3D and how they work. Finally, the working environment was excellent, I had my own office, my own computer and my colleagues were very polite and talkative. Also, I was lucky to live in a house near the city center, which was only five minutes away from work. Valencia has great places to eat and drink and entertainment. It has a lot of young people and a good nightlife. Finally, price-wise it is quite cheap, which helped me save quite a bit of my salary. The public transportation is great to go wherever you want to go. It was an amazing experience and I thank both my school and the director, Mr. Karampelas, for choosing me. I highly recommend it to any student who is interested.

Luis Amaro Ribeiro Martins
Ikasia Technologies SL
My experience tutoring Aggelos was very gratifying. A new methodology to train the students mobility was tried which involved a preparatory visit, previous contact with both him, and teachers from his school. Before the student arrived we had time to know him and prepared him, together with his teachers, for the task ahead. This way, when the student came to do his internship, he was not faced with a completely new environment. I feel this really helped in his fast integration as was detrimental to the success of his stay.
I personally think the previously contact we had established with both him, and his teacher were essential to make him feel comfortable in the new environment he faced. The student showed a very positive attitude during the whole experience. It took no time for him to feel secure among his co-workers not hesitating to ask his doubts or share his thoughts. He also seemed very motivated to perform the tasks ahead of him, and his interests was obvious by the content of the questions he asked.
Once the student arrived, he was introduced and trained to the finer details of his task. This step was very straightforward due to the previous meetings we had. The student was aware of the objective of the stay as well as the tasks he had to perform and trained in 3D. Before his arrival we had prepared and programmed all his tasks. These were not very rigid since one cannot predict the difficulties to be faced when such a new activity is to be performed. Nonetheless, they were enough to guide the internship, and trained the student, by marking the main steps to be achieved. This was very helpful since the internship in question had a new objective which was a novelty for both me, as tutor, and the student. Without the good programming of his stay it would have been much more complicated to achieve the success we had at the end of his stay.
This internship was very rewarding from all the possible perspectives. Technically, the student was able to learn a lot of information about a new theme we was not previously familiar with and acquire training about their VET education, also he was able to apply it and put into practice to achieve the end goal of his stay. From our part, the same can be said because We were able to verify that carrying out this new type of mobility in which we offer training to the student in the company is possible and does not require an excessive workload with the methodology we have created. Also we achieved what we had previously proposed in the timeframe we had established for it. On a more personal perspective I think it was also a great experience for the student. He felt comfortable in his working environment, had a good relationship with his co-workers and was perfectly integrated. He also showed great interest and joy in performing this activity. Also, he experienced a new working environment, new people and technologies from a field unknown to him, all of which I expect to contribute to his personal growth.
The activity was a success, and very fruitful for all the parts involved.