FUTUREVET is a project that promotes the implementation of the new model of VET through processes and methods that prevent this transformation from sidelining students with obstacles in order to ensure that the new VET model not only adapts to the new market needs derived from the social context, but is also a real opportunity for young people in situations of social exclusion. opportunity for young people in situations of exclusion to achieve a better future through their employability in the technology sector technological sector.
With this project, we want to facilitate the modernization and adaptation to the new European reality of Vocational Training (in accordance with the new Organic Law for VET Organization and Integration in Spain, the European Skills
Agenda of the EU, and OECD’s objectives), facilitating the work of teachers and companies to face the great challenges of this change, and contribute to it being fully inclusive and not leaving aside students with barriers.
The joint work between vocational training centers and technology companies from various European countries will generate a set of tools, resources, and services aimed both at VET teachers of technology cycles and their centers,
as well as at companies, the main protagonists in the new VET model. These include training courses, help guides, support manuals to look for companies, new certifications, and an online platform to promote the new VET.

Our Team

Luis Gómez Estrada
Ikasia Technologies
Luis Gómez Estrada, was born in Valencia in 1980, with a Bachelor’s degree in Industrial Design by “Universidad Politécnica de Valencia”, experienced in the research field at the “Instituto de Biomecánica de Valencia” (UPV). Actually is CEO of Ikasia technologies and has experience as head of the 3D department in an engineering services companies. He has a broad experience in European and international project’s management and coordination.

Laura Gómez Estrada
Ikasia Technologies
Qualified as a VET Technician, Laura has been incorporated in Ikasia in 2018 in the scientific and educational project development team. Having exhibited organization and managing skills, has since been responsible for projects coordinated by Ikasia included in the Erasmus + Program in the field of professional education. Laura is a young, easygoing, and hardworking person. Her diverse professional parkours led to the development of a broad range of skills, from organization to and interpersonal skills, which she transposes to her professional everyday life.

José Luis Gómez Ribelles
Ikasia Technologies
José Luis Gómez Ribelles is a full professor at the Universitat Politècnica de València, carrying out his research work at the Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering, CBIT, of that university. He is currently the principal investigator of one of the research units of the CIBER-BBN of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. His current line of research focuses on the development of biomaterials for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.

Luis Martins
Ikasia Technologies
Luis Martins is a Phd student at the Universitat Politècnica de València. After graduating applied biology from the Universidad e do Minho took a master in Biophysics and Bionanosystems on the same university. Additionally, has pedagogic competences and advanced english from Cambridge University and competences aided design, 3D printing and basic programming. Luis has experience in tutoring, orienting students projects or laboratorial internships.

Raquel Navarro Cerveró
RedTree Making Projects
Raquel Navarro Cerveró is a social worker, an equality agent and has a Master Degree in Labour Risk Prevention, and she have worked with the association movements in Valencia for more than 15 years. Through her professional and associative career, Raquel has fulfilled responsibilities that have allowed her to develop a broad experience as Social Worker and Projects Technician, creating and managing associative and social economy projects to promote equality and social justice.

Carlo Zoli
Electronic Engineer; CEO of Smallcodes Ltd. Founder of Smallcodes Ltd as a social and technological company focused on education and linguistic technologies, with a special interest in minority languages and cultures, dialectology studies and historical linguistics.Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, at mei dolore tritani repudiandae. In his nemore temporibus.

Silvia Randaccio
Silvia Randaccio has a degree in European and Extra-European languages, with a thesis in computational linguistics for the Arabic language. She currently follows numerous projects for the development of linguistic software, teaching
materials, e-learning platforms and digital archives, for minority languages but also for other product sectors. She also manages digital marketing, SEO and web graphics.

Luca Pietra
Engineer and new member of SMALLCODES through ScarabLab. He is currently involved in deepening his knowledge of the various programming languages and supporting senior programmers in the implementation of software for health informatics.

Jivago Nunes
Somatica, Materials & Solutions
Jivago Nunes have a degree on Optoelectronics and Lasers, and a Master in Materials Engineering, and worked as a scientific researcher during 5 years. After that, he has been the CTO of the company Somatica, Materials and Solutions, Lda. for the last 10 years and, as an entrepreneur, he have created 5 companies during the last 7 years.

Panagiotis Karampelas
1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias
He works as a teacher in secondary technical education with specialization in computers and design implementation circuits and also the design and development of algorithmic structures. Now days is the Headmaster in VET Secondary School.
He has 2 Masters, Ecomomics in Education and In School Managment.
Also, Manage and Organize Erasmus Plus Projects (KA1-KA2) and E-Twinning.

Dimitrios Fligkos
1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias
Dimitrios Fligkos has studied IT in Athens University of Economics. He started his teaching career at 1st Epagelmatiko Lykeio Kato Achaias in 2002. He teaches IT and technology. Since 2002 he has taken part in many national and EU projects. He is responsible to organise students and teachers mobilities as well for the projects documentation. He has worked a lot to integrate ECVET system in the mobilities. He is also responsible to organise training activities for foreign students in the area. He has a key role to apply the mobility charter for vet high quality standards in projects planning and implementation.

Juan Tormos Capilla
IES Enrique Tierno Galván
VET teacher by the specialty of Electrotechnical Facilities since 1991.Tiene the linguistic training in foreign languages. He has participated as coordinator in three transnational projects, as well as in national innovation projects, linguistic immersion by the University of Paris, in the promotion of curricular enrichment and attention to students. He has held the position of deputy director of the IES, Head of Department, coordinator / tutor of FCT and member of several School Councils.

Miltiadis Liamis
Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria
Teacher at the electrical and electronics education center. He has a major in Electrical Engineering and a master’s degree in Renewable Energy Sources.
He has extensive experience in the dissemination of Erasmus Plus projects in which EK KASTORIA participates, as well as relationships with teachers throughout the region.

José Juan Seijo Solaz
IES Enrique Tierno Galván
Industrial engineer. Teacher of Vocational Training in the branch of electricity. A sports and nature enthusiast, I am also passionate about new technologies.

Maria Georgiou
Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria
Graduate of the department of Applied Informatics, University of Macedonia in Thessaloniki. She specialized in Computer Science and Technology: problem solving using computers, software development databases, web applications e.t.c. She also has a master’s degree in Graphic Arts – Multimedia. She works as an IT teacher in Secondary Education, with exprerience in VET Education. As a Director of Ergastiriako Kentro, She also organizes and implements Erasmus+ Projects.

Ricardo Sixto Iglesias
RedTree Making Projects
Ricardo Sixto Iglesias was born in Valencia in 1967. He graduated in Geography and History from University of Valencia in 1990. Medievalist, specialized in archives, library science, and documentation. He has devoted a good part of
his experience to public work in various institutions such as the city councils of Burjassot and Valencia, the Valencia Provincial Council, and the Spanish Congress of Deputies. He worked in Redtree until June 2024
C/ Jesús y María, num 26 – bajo – 46008 (Spain)
Web: www.ikasia.es
Chief editor: Luis Gómez Estrada, CEO Ikasia Technologies sl
This project has been cofunded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

This publication is available in Open Access under the Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 IGO (CC-BY-NC-ND 3.0 IGO) license (http:/ creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/igo/). By using the content of this publication, the users accept to be bound by the terms of use of the ERASMUS PLUS GUIDE 2020 and also of IKASIA TECHNOLOGIES SL.
All the images used are free of rights and have been made in the project or extracted from the web ttps: //unsplash.com/photos.