Date: 17th December, 2024
Place: Kastoria (Greece)
Hosting entity: Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria
Nº of participants: 63
On 17 December 2024, a multiplier event was held by Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria to disseminate the results of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”.
The event was attended by teachers, principals and vice-principals from various educational centers in Kastoria, education consultants and members of the Kastoria city council, engineers, workers and technicians from the technology and business sector of Kastoria.
The event not only allowed the results obtained to be shared with a key audience, but also generated a significant impact among the attending participants. Thanks to the results, teachers are better prepared for the management and tutoring of the new mobilities of VET students with obstacles, which will directly benefit their students, especially those at risk of social exclusion. These students will have the opportunity to participate in mobilities designed not only to respond to their specific needs, but also to align with the current demands of the tech sector’s job market.
During the event, the participants of the technology sector had the opportunity to learn about the COURSE FOR TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES, with which we offer them all the recommendations and tools to generate training plans and the necessary figures (the company tutor) to host mobilities of VET students with obstacles from training cycles in technological branches throughout Europe thus promoting the internationalization of both the company and the educational center.
The participation of members of the Kastoria municipality during the event has increased the possibility that our results will be effectively implemented at the local level, fostering a strong collaboration between educational institutions and municipal authorities. This synergy amplifies the scope of impact, ensuring that the proposed improvements benefit both students and the wider educational community, thus promoting a more inclusive and future-oriented education.
In addition, thanks to this event we have managed to increase the dissemination of the results and their impact on the local technology and business sector, improving the knowledge and skills of companies to welcome these students, promote their inclusion and offer a real learning experience in the technology sector.
Program of the event
12:00h – 12:15h Participants registration
12:15h- 12:25h Welcome and opening of the evento
12:25 – 12:35 Greetings and Introduction
12:35 -12:45 Results of the project
12:45 – 12:55 Manual for preparing future mobilities
12:55 – 13:05 Manual for VET students
13:05 – 13:15 Guide for teachers
13:15 – 13:25 Digital Platform and course for tech companies
13:25 – 13:40 Discussion
13:40 – 14:00 End of the event
Date: 27th January, 2025
Place: Murcia (Spain)
Hosting entity: Redtree Making Projects and Ikasia Technologies
Nº of participants: 50
On January 27, 2025, a multiplier event of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” was held at the CEA MAR MENOR educational center in Torre Pacheco (Murcia). It is a public center dependent on the Ministry of Education, Vocational
Training and Employment of the Region of Murcia. Its headquarters are located in the town of Torre Pacheco, extending the educational offer of the Center to the towns of San Pedro del Pinatar, San Javier, Los Alcázares, Roldán and
Torre-Pacheco. The centre caters to the demands of hundreds of students with difficulties in the Mar Menor region, who are trained in Vocational Training, entrance exams for intermediate and advanced Vocational Training courses,
English and IT workshops, etc.
During the event, the members of Ikasia and Redtree presented the methodology designed in the project for the adaptation of training periods in technology companies to the new FP model, as well as the work carried out by FP students
during training periods in companies and research centres in the network.
The students showed great interest in scientific and technological research projects and the opportunities offered by training periods with the methodology designed in the project. In addition, thanks to this event we managed to
motivate dozens of students with difficulties who are looking for an opportunity for social and labour inclusion in the technological and scientific sector in Vocational Training. On the other hand, it was a great opportunity for
the teachers, as they will be able to focus the training of their students directly on the demands of the technological sector, preparing them from the beginning of their training to achieve their employability.
Program of the event
16:00h – 16:05h – Welcome to the Ikasia and Redtree team
16:05h -16:15h Project Presentation
16:15h – 16:30h Presentation of the results
16:30h – 16:40h Work in technology companies and research centers
16:40h – 16:50h Experiences of other VET students in technology companies and research centers
16:50h – 17:00h Question Time
17:00h – Event Closing
Date: January 28, 2025
Place: Online – Microsoft Teams
Collaborating entity: Ikasia Technologies SL
Nº of participants: 50
On January 28, 2025, the IES ENRIQUE TIERNO GALVÁN carried out a virtual multiplier event of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” through the Microsoft Teams platform. During the event, they presented the results of the project to VET students from the branch of electricity and electronics, to teachers from various VET schools in the region and to members of CEFIRE.
This event was a great opportunity to disseminate the results to educational centers with the capacity to implement and benefit from them. Thanks to the results of the project, the directors and teachers of these centers receive an
innovative methodology created in the project to support the implementation of the new Vocational Training law (Law 3/2022).
Program of the event
12:30h – 12:35h – Event Presentation
12:35h – 12:40h – Project objectives
12:40h – 12:50h – Activities carried out
12:50h – 13:05h – The results of the project
13:05h – 13:10h – Erasmus Plus projects carried out by the educational center
13:10h – 13:15h – Question Time
13:15h – Event Closing
17th annual International Conference of Education, Research and Innovation
On November 11, 12 and 13, 2024 we had the opportunity to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” at the international congress ICERI2024.
The participation in this congress allowed us to disseminate the results of the project to hundreds of teachers, researchers and experts in innovative learning methodologies from more than 80 countries with the ability not only to implement our results, but also to disseminate them in hundreds of educational centers, research centers and technology companies.
The conference attendees were primarily:
- Academics and researchers
- Primary, secondary, vocational, or tertiary educators
- Technologists and Scientists
- School and technical staff
- Career/employment officers
- Student Unions

16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies
On July 1, 2 and 3, 2024, we had the opportunity to present the project at the EDULEARN24 International Education Congress, the 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences that brings together teachers, researchers, technologists and experts from the education sector from 80 countries to present projects on education and technology.
Conference attendees were mainly:
1. Academics and researchers
2. Primary, secondary, vocational or tertiary educators
3. Technologists and scientists
4. School and Technical Staff
5. Career/employment civil servants
6. Student unions
For the project partners, it has been a great opportunity to make the project visible, as hundreds of teachers, experts, researchers and technologists have participated in this congress.
In addition, thanks to participation in this congress, our article will be included in the IATED Digital Library, which collects an extensive database of innovative projects in education and technology. This publication has been evaluated for inclusion in the Web of Science (Conference Proceedings Citation Index) and Google Scholar.

18th annual International Technology, Education and Development Conference
Valencia (Spain) – 4th, 5th and 6th of March 2024
In March 2024 we presented the “FUTUREVET” project at the INTED2024 congress, the 18th annual International Conference on Technology, Education and Development held in Valencia.
INTED2024 has been a renowned global education conference that has allowed teachers, researchers, technologists and experts from the education sector to present their projects in the field of education and technology, as well as to share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies. In addition, it has been a great opportunity for the creation of international strategic networks.
1200 people attended the congress:
1. Academics & Researchers
2. Primary, secondary, vocational, or tertiary educators
3. Technologists & Scientists
4. School and technical staff.
5. Career/Employment Officers
6. Student Unions

“Innovation, Education, and Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century”
On Marh 15th we participated in the I International Scientific Congress of Artà “Innovation, Education and Lifelong Learning in the XXI Century” organized by The Regional Division of Arta, the Primary Education Directorate (DIPE Artas) and the Municipality of Arta.
The main objectives that serve as an incentive for organizing the conference focus on:
• the constructive dialogue among members of the educational community
• the dissemination of contemporary scientific positions
• the presentation and promotion of innovative practices in the educational levels, within the framework of formal, informal, and non-formal education, as well as adult education
• the redefinition of the role of the educator and their adaptation to the new realities of education
• the recording and reassessment of the educational reality
The following were invited to the congress distinguished scientists from Greek and international Universities, international representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations, representatives of local Self-Government and Public Administration with an international presence in the field of Education, Innovation, Administration and the wider international community.
The conference was addressed to:
• Education researchers and scholars
• Members the Academic Faculties of Universities
• Educators of all specialties and levels of education
• Executives of Primary and Secondary Education
• Students (undergraduates, postgraduates, PhD candidates, PhDs and Postdoctoral researchers)
• Friends of Education
• Representatives of Governmental and non-Governmental organizations
• Representatives of local Administrations

Date: February 13th, 2025
Place: Webex
Organized by: 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaia
Nº of Participants: 56
On February 13, 2025, 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaia held a dissemination day of the E+ project “FUTUREVET” for the education sector, in which students, teachers and directors of VET schools in Greece participated.
During the day, held virtually, the results of the project were presented, especially the GUIDE FOR VET TEACHERS (R2), THE MANUAL FOR VET CENTERS (R3), THE MANUAL FOR FUTURE MOBILITIES AND THE MANUAL FOR STUDENTS (R6).

Date: February 13th, 2025
Place: Microsoft Teams and Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering
Organized by: Ikasia Technologies
Nº of participants: 66 (50 virtual participants, 16 on-site participants)
On February 13, 2025, Ikasia Technologies has carried out a dissemination day of the E+ project “FUTUREVET” for technicians and managers of the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Center of the Universitat Politècnica de
València, as well as professors from various departments.
During the conference, held both virtually through the Teams Platform, and in on-site, in order to disseminate the results to a large number of participants, we presented the results of the project, especially the COURSE FOR TECHNOLOGY COMPANIES (R4), showing both the advantages of the methodology created for the reception of training periods for VET students in technology companies and research centers, as explained the training plan and how to use it.

Date: March 24th, 2023
Place: Valencia
On March 24, 2023, we held a visibility day in which we presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to 20 students of computer science and applied arts in 3D from the Ergastiriako Kentro Kastorias educational center. This internal visibility activity was key to publicizing the project we are creating to students with the ability to benefit from the results and participate in future long-term mobilities of the network.
These are students who, due to the obstacles they face, have greater difficulties in terms of inclusion and employability. For them, mobility is an essential opportunity for their future. They are dynamic, proactive people, with a lot of motivation to learn and adapt to the company, as well as with the ability to demonstrate skills, knowledge and attitudes relevant to companies, which make them possible candidates to become employees after completing the mobilities. .
Date: September 14h, 2023
Place: Valencia
On September 14, 2023 we carried out a day of visibility of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” at the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The CBIT is a research center aimed at the research and development of biomaterials for specific applications. It has extensive experience in carrying out internships for students of educational levels from professional training to doctorate. Its team includes researchers, professors and numerous laboratory technicians of international prestige.
In these activity we present the project to teachers, researchers, laboratory technicians, phd, interns, head of departments of the Universitat Politècnica de València and those responsible for the research center that have the capability to host VET student mobilities.

Visibility & dissemination activities
ACTIVITY 1. On February 8, 2023, Laura Gómez, head of E+ projects at Ikasia Technologies, presented the project to Pierre Carrolaggi, training manager at Greta du Velay. It was a great opportunity to introduce the project to an educational center with the capacity to implement the results and generate a very positive impact on VET students and teachers.
Greta du velay is part of the G.R.E.T.A. network. Ahe project visible to schools in Greta de Monistrol-sur-Loire, Greta Nord Allier, Greta Dore-Allier, Greta Auvergne, Greta Monts du Cantals, Greta Boubonnais Combraille. In addition, this activity will allow us to disseminate the results of the project to the dozens of educational centers throughout the G.R.E.T.A. network of 191 public education and training centres that is part of the French Ministry of National Education and Youth. As Greta is a group of establishments, there are a total of more than 4,750 places where training services can be carried out.
Thanks to this activity, we were able to make t network.

ACTIVITY 2. On March 24, 2023, we held a visibility day in which we presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to 20 students of computer science and applied arts in 3D from the Ergastiriako Kentro Kastorias educational center. This internal visibility activity was key to publicizing the project we are creating to students with the ability to benefit from the results and participate in future long-term mobilities of the network.

ACTIVITY 3. In May 2023, we unveiled the Erasmus Plus project website “FUTUREVET” through social media and the CRITICALTHINKING4VET network website. Thanks to this, we managed to get more than 300 people to access all the information about the project.
ACTIVITY 4. In the May 2023 edition of the newspaper “El Tierno”, awarded the Lobo de Oro 2013 award for the best youth newspaper in Spain, Juan Bautista Tormos Capilla, Coordinator of European projects of the Department of Electricity-Electronics of the IES ENRIQUE TIERNO GALVÁN, partner entity of the Erasmus Plus Project “FUTUREVET” has made visible the progress of the project and the first face-to-face transnational meeting.

ACTIVITY 5. In May 2024, the IES ENRIQUE TIERNO GALVÁN, requested participation in the dissemination days of the E+ projects organized by the General Directorate of Vocational Training and Special Regime Teachings of the Valencian Community, together with the CEFIRE to implement and benefit from them, as well as to those responsible for dozens of educational centers with the capacity to carry out inclusive mobilities with the new VET modelpresent the Erasmus Plus FUTUREVET project.
CEFIRE is the centre for training, innovation and resources for teachers in the Valencian Community. The CEFIRES are the bodies of the educational administration for the permanent training of teachers.
This activity will allow us to disseminate the finalized results to hundreds of teachers throughout the Valencian Community with the capacity to .

ACTIVITY 6. On June 5, 2023, Silvia Randaccio, representing Smallcodes, had a bilateral meeting with the heads of the technology company TwProject.
It was a very interesting meeting, as it is an Italian company with the capability to host VET student mobilities, as well as benefit from the results we are developing in the project.

ACTIVITY 7. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, has virtually presented the Erasmus Plus Program project “FUTUREVET” to Manuel Salmerón-Sánchez, head of the Department of Biomedical Engineering of the School of Engineering and associate of the Institute of Systems Biology and Molecular Cells of the University of Glasgow.
It has been an important presentation to give visibility to the project in the United Kingdom, as it is an entity with a great capacity for dissemination to get the results of the project to a large number of multiplier agents. In addition, thanks to this activity we will have the opportunity for the results to be evaluated by experts in the technology sector at an international level.

ACTIVITY 8. On September 8, 2023, J.L. Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, has virtually presented the erasmus plus project “FUTUREVET” to Fernando Hernández Sánchez, Senior Researcher at the Center for Scientific Research of Yucatan (CICY) in the line of Biomaterials, tissue engineering, design and construction of scaffolds for the regeneration of animal tissue. CICY is a public research center focused on scientific and technological research and professional training, located in Yucatan (Mexico).
This presentation has been very interesting, as Fernando has shown interest in previous projects of the network and as a member of international research networks will give us the opportunity to make visible and disseminate the project and its results not only in Europe, but internationally. In addition, thanks to this activity we will have the opportunity for the results to be evaluated by experts in the technology sector at an international level.

ACTIVITY 9. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, as representative of Ikasia Technologies, virtually presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Clarisse Ribeiro, researcher of the FUNCARB group, a research group of the University of Minho that acts in the fields of biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering.
This presentation not only made it possible to publicize the project to a research center with the capability to implement the project (having the possibility of hosting mobilities) and disseminate it to numerous international research groups in the future, but also to publicize the advantages of the Erasmus Plus programme.

ACTIVITY 10. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, as representative of Ikasia Technologies, virtually presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Carlos Miguel Silva Costa, teacher and researcher at Centro de Física das Universidades do Minho e do Porto (CF-UM-UP).
This visibility activity is very useful both for the dissemination capability and for the hosting of students mobilities.

ACTIVITY 11. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, as representative of Ikasia Technologies, has carried out a virtual presentation of the Erasmus Plus Program project “FUTUREVET” to João F. Mano, professor in the Department of Chemistry and director of the Master and Doctorate programs in Biotechnology at the University of Aveiro. In addition, he is founder and director of the COMPASS research group of the laboratory “CICECO Institute of Materials of Aveiro”.
This activity has allowed progress in the visibility campaign and present the project to the head of a research center with great capability to host mobilities of students and for dissemination, as well as implementation of the results. In addition, thanks to this activity we have managed to make the project visible to the University of Aveiro and dozens of laboratory technicians, professors and PhD students.

ACTIVITY 12. On September 8, 2023, J.L. Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, has virtually presented the erasmus plus project “FUTUREVET” to Clara Eugenia Plazas, researcher of the Research Group on Material Transformation Processes for the pharmaceutical industry and professor at the National University of Colombia.
This presentation allows us to publicize the project outside Europe to researchers and professors of research centers in Colombia with the ability not only to disseminate the results internationally in the next phase, but also to value them as an experts in the technology sector.

ACTIVITY 13. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, has carried out a virtual presentation of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Natalia Alves, professor of the department of polymers of the Universidade do Minho and Researcher in the 3B ́s Research Group, a research group of 3B (Biomaterials, Biodegradables and Biomimetics) formed by a multidisciplinary team and experts in biotechnology, biology, biomedical engineering and materials science. This research group integrates the Associated Laboratory of the Portuguese Government ICVS/3B’s, a collaboration with the Institute of Health and Life Sciences of the Faculty of Medicine of U. Minho, and leads the European Institute of Excellence in Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine that has branches in 22 locations in 13 different countries.
It has been a great opportunity to publicize the project to a research center with the capability to host mobilities and for dissemination and impact on research and technology in Portugal.

ACTIVITY 14. On September 8, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, virtually presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Jairo Ernesto Perilla Perilla, professor of chemical engineering at the National University of Colombia, and president of the Board of Directors of the Colombian Association of Chemical Engineering and Related Professions Bogotá Chapter, an association that works for and for the development of Chemical Engineering in Colombia.
This really interesting presentation, because Jairo has shown interest in previous projects and not only allows us to increase the international visibility of the Project to research centers in Colombia, but also to publicize the project to experts with the ability to assess and disseminate the results.

ACTIVITY 15. On September 4, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, held a bilateral meeting to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to José Antonio Gómez Tejedor, director of the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) of the Universitat Politècnica de València.
This meeting was very useful and interesting to carry out the visibility days at the research centre and to publicise the project in the technology sector to heads of research centres and departments of the Universitat Politècnica de València, laboratory technicians and teachers.

ACTIVITY 16. On September 11, Laura Gómez, head of the Erasmus Plus projects at Ikasia Technologies, presented the “FUTUREVET” project virtually to A. Soriano, professor of the electronics department of the CIFP POLITECNICO. Thanks to this activity, we have made the project known to a VET educational center that hosts dozens of VET teachers and VET students with obstacles with the ability not only to implement the results, but to benefit from them.

ACTIVITY 17. On September 14, 2023 we carried out a day of visibility of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” at the Center for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering (CBIT) of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The CBIT is a research center aimed at the research and development of biomaterials for specific applications. It has extensive experience in carrying out internships for students of educational levels from professional training to doctorate. Its team includes researchers, professors and numerous laboratory technicians of international prestige.
In these activity we present the project to teachers, researchers, laboratory technicians, phd, interns and those responsible for the research center.

ACTIVITY 18. On September 24, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, presented the project virtually to Senentxu Lanceros, director and researcher of BCMateriales, a research center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures founded by Ikerbasque, the Basque Foundation for Science and the University for the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), to present the Erasmus Plus project “TECHVETLAB”.
It was a very important activity of the visibility campaign, as it will not only allow the implementation of the results of the project, but also make it known to dozens of entities with the capacity to evaluate them and host mobilities.

ACTIVITY 19. On September 27, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, held a bilateral meeting to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Gloria Gallego Ferrer, principal investigator of the CIBER-BBN network of the Carlos III health institute.
This activity of the visibility campaign has been a great opportunity to present the project and strengthen collaboration ties for the future dissemination of the results of the project, as they are members of international technological networks that will help disseminate the results throughout Europe.

ACTIVITY 20. On September 28, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, held a bilateral meeting to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Estela Sánchez González, member of the “Core Team” of the Young ESAO, Young European Society for Artificial Organs and member of the Board of Directors of the Association of Biotechnologists of the Valencian Community ABIVa to present the Erasmus Plus TECHVETLAB project.
This activity was very important, as it allowed us to create collaboration ties with associations with the ability to promote mobilities of VET students with obstacles in the field of biotechnology in the technology sector.

ACTIVITY 21. On September 29, 2023, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, on behalf of Ikasia Technologies, met with Florentina Celdrán Martínez, a member of the teaching team of the IES ISAAC PERAL in Cartagena, to present the Erasmus Plus FUTUREVET Programme project.
This activity has allowed us to make the project known to teachers who will benefit from the results of this project and will be able to implement it in the school. In addition, this centre welcomes dozens of students from the technological branch who will be able to carry out mobilities in the future in technology companies and research centres.
ACTIVITY 22. On September 2023, members of the Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria school presented the project to members of the Regional Directorate of Education of Western Macedonia (Greece). It has been a great opportunity, as it is the accredited educational organization in charge of coordinating and implementing the educational policies of the Ministry of Education of Greece in Kozani, Grevena, Florina and Kastoria. Their collaboration will allow us to have a very significant impact in Greece, as it is in charge of 550 schools.
ACTIVITY 23. As of September 30, 2023, we are proud to be able to tell you that we have managed to make the project visible to 366 people through social networks. We have made a total of 27 publications (approximately every two weeks).
ACTIVITY 24. On October 31, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies SL, held a bilateral meeting to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to María Inmaculada García Briega, member of the organizing committee for the conferences of young CIBER researchers. BBN. These meetings are held annually in a face-to-face format so that the youngest researchers can present their work, interact and debate about these. It was a very interesting meeting that will allow us to enhance the external evaluation of results, as well as dissemination once it is finished.

ACTIVITY 25. In November 2023 Panagiotis Karampelas, director of the 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias, requested participation in the I International Scientific Congress of Artà “Innovation, Education and Lifelong Learning in the XXI Century” organized by the Regional Unit (PE) of Artà, the Directorate of Primary Education (DIPE) of Artà and the City Council of Artà and to be held in March 2024 to present the Erasmus Plus project “Futurevet”.
The main objectives of this congress are:
1. Constructive dialogue among members of the educational community,
2. The publication of modern scientific positions,
3. The presentation and enhancement of innovative practices at the educational level, in the context of formal, informal and non-formal education, as well as adult education,
4. Redefine the role of the teacher and adapt it to the new data of education, and
5. The registration and revaluation of the educational reality.
This congress will be attended by education researchers and academics, members of the A.E.I. D.E.P., teachers of all specialties and educational levels, education directors, students, representatives of governmental and non-governmental organizations and representatives of local government.

ACTIVITY 26. In November 2023, as partners of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”, we requested participation in the international educational congress INTED2024, the 18th Annual International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, to present the project and its results.
INTED is a renowned global education conference that allows teachers, researchers, technologists and experts from the education sector to present their projects in education and technology, as well as share their knowledge on teaching and learning methodologies. In addition, it is a great opportunity for the creation of international strategic networks.

ACTIVITY 27. On December 20, 2023, the evaluation committee of the I International Scientific Congress of Artà “Innovation, Education and Lifelong Learning in the XXI Century” organized by the Regional Unit (PE) of Artà, the Directorate of Primary Education (DIPE) of Artà and the City Council of Artà accepted participation in the congress to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”.
ACTIVITY 28. On December, 2023, the evaluation committee of the INTED2024, the 18th Annual International Conference on Education, Research and Innovationaccepted participation in the congress to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”.
ACTIVITY 29. On March 4th and 5th we participated in the INTED2024 congress, the 18th Annual International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation, where we had the opportunity to present the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to hundreds of education and technology experts from more than 80 countries.

ACTIVITY 30. On March 15, 2024, Panagiotis Karampelas, director of the 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias, presented the Erasmus Plus projects “Futurevet” and “Techvetlab” at the I International Scientific Congress
of Artà “Innovation, Education and Lifelong Learning in the 21st Century” organized by the Regional Directorate of Artà, the Directorate of Primary Education (DIPE Artas) and the City Council of Artà.

ACTIVITY 31. On March 15, 2024 the partners of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” have requested participation in the international educational congress EDULEARN24, the 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies to present the project and its results.
EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences that brings together teachers, researchers, technologists and experts from the education sector from 80 countries to present projects on education and technology.
ACTIVITY 32. On March 22, 2024, Panagiotis Karampelas, director of the 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaias, presented the Erasmus Plus project “Futurevet” and the opportunities offered by the KA2 projects of the E+ program to teachers and heads of the Department of Science and Technology Education and the Master in Educational Leadership at the University of Patras.
It was a great opportunity to present the project and the Erasmus Plus Programme, as the University of Patras is the third largest university in Greece in terms of students, teachers, departments and degrees (it has 35 departments, 161 laboratories and 17 clinics). It excels in research areas such as biotechnology, mechanics, electronics, computer science, health, environment and basic sciences.

ACTIVITY 33. On the December 2023 edition of the newspaper “El Tierno”, awarded the Golden Wolf 2013 award for the best youth newspaper in Spain, Juan Seijo Solaz, professor of the Department of Electricity-Electronics of the IES ENRIQUE TIERNO GALVÁN, partner entity of the Erasmus Plus Project “FUTUREVET” made visible the progress of the project and the second face-to-face transnational meeting.

ACTIVITY 34. On April 15, 2024, the article created by the project partners at the congress INTED2024 in the IATED Digital Library will be published, which includes publications by experts in education and technology.

ACTIVITY 35. On May 7 we informed that our request to participate in the congress was accepted EDULEARN24, to be held in July 2024, to present the results of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to hundreds of education and technology experts from more than 80 countries.
ACTIVITY 36. On July 1, 2 and 3, 2024, we had the opportunity to present the project at the EDULEARN24 International Education Congress, the 16th Annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies.
EDULEARN is one of the largest international education conferences that brings together teachers, researchers, technologists and experts from the education sector from 80 countries to present projects on education and technology.

ACTIVITY 37. On July 11, 2024, we requested participation in the ICERI2024 congress to present the results of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”. ICERI2024, is the XVII International Conference on Education, Research and Innovation to be held on November 11, 12 and 13, 2024.
It is considered one of the largest educational conferences in Europe. The aim of this conference is to promote the exchange of knowledge and encourage collaboration between professors and researchers.
ACTIVITY 38. On September 4, 2024, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to Apostolos Kirytsis, main coordinator of international and national projects, as well as professor of the physics department of the National technical university of Athens (NTUA).
It was a productive and interesting presentation, which has strengthened the collaboration with an entity that not only has the capacity to collaborate in the pilot tests of the TRAINING COURSE FOR COMPANIES ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE NEW MOBILITIES, but also with great capability for national and international dissemination, which will allow us in the dissemination phase, to bring the results of the project to the largest possible number of multiplier agents.

ACTIVITY 39. On September 4, 2024, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, representing Ikasia Technologies, presented the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” to María Teresa Viciosa, researcher at the Centro de Química Estructural (CQE), a Chemistry Research Unit of the Instituto Superior Técnico of the Universidade de Lisboa.
The Instituto Superior Técnico has 23 research centers in which 2013 PhDs work. The research activity is developed in conjunction with a training offer in the areas of engineering, architecture, science and technology with a strong practical character in the technical centers, adequate to the demands of the labor market.
It was a very interesting and useful presentation, since the research centers have the capacity to host internships for vocational training students in their facilities. This activity allowed us to strengthen collaboration ties for the pilot testing of the TRAINING COURSE FOR COMPANIES ON HOW TO IMPLEMENT THE NEW MOBILITIES.
In addition, they have a great capacity for national dissemination, as they have a network of more than 26 entities, which will allow us to increase our capacity for national dissemination in Portugal.

ACTIVITY 40. On 17 December 2024, a multiplier event was held by Ergastiriako Kentro Kastoria to disseminate the results of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET”.
The event, which was attended by 37 teachers, principals and vice-principals from various educational institutions in Kastoria, education consultants and members of the Kastoria city council, was a great success. Thanks to this event we have managed to increase the dissemination of the results to teachers with the ability to benefit from them and politicians with the capacity to implement them at the local level.

ACTIVITY 41. On January 16, 2025, we published all the resources created in the project on the EPALE platform to promote their use and implementation. In addition, we have created the FUTUREVET BLOG
with the project content and access to download all the resources.
ACTIVITY 42. On January 27, 2025, a multiplier event of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” was held at the CEA MAR MENOR educational center in Torre Pacheco (Murcia). During the event, the members of Ikasia and Redtree
presented the methodology designed in the project for the adaptation of training periods in technology companies to the new FP model, as well as the work carried out by FP students during training periods in companies and research
centres in the network.

ACTIVITY 43. On January 28, 2025, the IES ENRIQUE TIERNO GALVÁN carried out a virtual multiplier event of the Erasmus Plus project “FUTUREVET” through the Microsoft Teams platform. During the event, they presented the results of the project to VET students from the branch of electricity and electronics, to teachers from various VET schools in the region and to members of CEFIRE.

ACTIVITY 44. On February 13, 2025, 1st Epalgematiko Lykeio Kato Achaia held a dissemination day of the E+ project “FUTUREVET” for the education sector, in which students, teachers and directors of VET schools in Greece

ACTIVITY 45. On February 13, 2025, Ikasia Technologies has carried out a dissemination day of the E+ project “FUTUREVET” for technicians and managers of the Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Research Center of the
Universitat Politècnica de València, as well as professors from various departments.

ACTIVITY 46. On January 29, 2025, we held a virtual dissemination activity in which we presented the project and its results to the teachers of CIFP AUSIÀS MARCH (Spain) with the ability to make use of the results
and implement them. They showed great interest in the results of the project and the need to obtain resources to enable technology companies to host training periods for their students.
ACTIVITY 47. On 7 February 2025, we presented the project to the director of the Epalgematiko Lykeio Argous VET centre (Greece). It was a very interesting activity, as it is an educational centre that welcomes hundreds
of VET students with difficulties. They have the capacity to implement the results and join the network.
ACTIVITY 48. On February 18th, 2025 we held a virtual dissemination activity in which we presented the project and its results to the director of the 1st Vocational School of Patras (Greece). It was very interesting,
as it is a VET center with dozens of VET students with technological barriers. Therefore, they have the capacity to implement the results, as well as to generate impact. Thanks to this activity, the educational center joined our
ACTIVITY 49 – 68. On January 29, 2025, we sent a dissemination email to 19 educational centers in Spain to disseminate the results and give them free access and download. These are VET centres that host hundreds of
students from technological branches (chemistry, mechanics, electricity and electronics, computer science, etc.) and that have the capacity to implement the results.
1. Dun?rea de Jos University of Gala?i – ROMANIA
2. Lower Danube University in Galati – ROMANIA
3. Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu ROMANIA
4. Paisii Hilendarski University of Plovdiv BULGARIA
5. Ss Cyril and Methodius University MACEDONIA
6. “Al. I. Cuza ” University, from Iasi – ROMANIA
7. 100mentors – GREECE
9. T. Still University School of Osteopathic Medicine in Arizona UNITED STATES
10. Aalborg University – DENMARK
11. Aalen University of Applied Science – GERMANY
12. Aalto University – FINLAND
13. Aarhus University – DENMARK
14. Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University – KAZAKHSTAN
15. Abai University – KAZAKHSTAN
16. Abdelmalek Essaadi University MOROCCO
18. Academy of Engineering and Sustainable Development SWEDEN
19. Academy of Music in Pula – CROATIA
20. Achva Academic College ISRAEL
21. Adam Mickiewicz University – POLAND
22. Addisco AS NORWAY
23. Adelphi.edu – UNITED STATES
24. Aeronautics Institute of Technology BRAZIL
25. Afyon Kocatepe University – TURKEY
26. Agency for Science and Higher Education – CROATIA
27. Agricultural University of Athens GREECE
28. Aias Nola- ITALY
30. Ajman University UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
31. Akaki Tsereteli State University – GEORGIA
32. Akamai Technologies Poland – POLAND
33. Akaryon GmbH AUSTRIA
34. Al Qasemi Academic College – ISRAEL
35. Alexandru Ioan Cuza University ROMANIA
36. All Digital – BELGIUM
37. All Grow Association ROMANIA
38. Alliance Manchester Business School – UNITED KINGDOM
39. Alliant International University UNITED STATES
40. American Public University – UNITED STATES
41. American University of Antigua – ANTIGUA AND BARBUDA
42. American University of Kuwait – KUWAIT
43. American University of Sharjah – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
44. Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences – NETHERLANDS
45. Anglia Ruskin University – UNITED KINGDOM
46. Ankara University TURKEY
47. Aoyama Gakuin University – JAPAN
48. AP University of Applied Sciences and Arts Antwerp BELGIUM
49. Applachian State University – UNITED STATES
51. ARCADA – University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
52. Arcada UAS – FINLAND
53. Arden University UNITED KINGDOM
54. Ariel University – ISRAEL
55. Aristotle University of Thessaloniki – GREECE
56. Arizona State University – UNITED STATES
57. Arkansas State University – UNITED STATES
58. Arkas Science and Art Center TURKEY
59. Ashikaga University JAPAN
60. Asia University TAIWAN
61. Asociación de Colegios Jesuitas de Colombia – ACODESI COLOMBIA
62. Association des Mamans et Enfants Defavorises – DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF THE CONGO
63. Associazione EPICT ITALY
64. Astana IT University KAZAKHSTAN
65. Aston University – UNITED KINGDOM
66. Athabasca University CANADA
67. Athena R.C. – GREECE
68. Atlantic Technological University IRELAND
70. Auckland University of Technology NEW ZEALAND
71. August-Wilhelm Scheer Institut für digitale Produkte und Prozesse GERMANY
72. Aurel Vlaicu University of Arad ROMANIA
73. AUT University NEW ZEALAND
74. Avans University of Applied Sciences NETHERLANDS
75. Azad University of Garmsar IRAN
76. Azrieli Academic College of Engineering ISRAEL
77. BA School of Business and Finance LATVIA
78. Babes-Bolyai University – ROMANIA
79. Bar Ilan University ISRAEL
80. Bard College – UNITED STATES
81. Barry University – UNITED STATES
82. Bartin University – TURKEY
83. Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University – GEORGIA
84. BAU International University Batumi – GEORGIA
85. Bayes Business School – UNITED KINGDOM
86. bbw University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
89. Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology CHINA
90. Beit Berl Academic College – ISRAEL
91. Ben-Goriun university ISRAEL
92. Berlin University of the Arts – GERMANY
93. Berliner Hochschule für Technik GERMANY
94. Berufliche Schule St. Pauli – GERMANY
95. Bezalel Academy of Art and Design ISRAEL
96. BHT – Berliner Hochschule für Technik GERMANY
97. Bifröst University – ICELAND
98. Birzeit university PALESTINIAN TERRITORY
99. Bishop’s University CANADA
100. Björknasgymnasiet SWEDEN
101. Blackpool Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust – UNITED KINGDOM
104. Bogazici University TURKEY
105. Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
106. Boston College UNITED STATES
107. Bowie State University UNITED STATES
108. Bowling Green State University UNITED STATES
109. Brainster Next College MACEDONIA
110. Bridgeport Public Schools UNITED STATES
111. Brigham Young University – UNITED STATES
112. Brno University of Technology – CZECH REPUBLIC
113. Brock University CANADA
114. BTU Cottbus-Senftenberg GERMANY
115. Bucknell University – UNITED STATES
116. Bucharest University of Economic Studies ROMANIA
117. Buffalo State University UNITED STATES
118. Bulgarian Academy of Science BULGARIA
119. Bunkyo University – JAPAN
120. Ca Foscari University of Venice – ITALY
121. California State Polytechnic University UNITED STATES
122. Cape Peninsula University of Technology SOUTH AFRICA
123. Capital Normal University CHINA
124. Cardiff Metropolitan University UNITED KINGDOM
125. Cardinal Stefan Wyszy?ski University in Warsaw – POLAND
126. Cardinal Tien Junior College of Healthcare and Management TAIWAN
127. Carinthia University of Applied Sciences AUSTRIA
128. Carl von Ossietzky Universität Oldenburg GERMANY
129. Carleton University – CANADA
130. Carnegie Mellon University – UNITED STATES
131. Castelo Branco Polytechnic University PORTUGAL
132. Cátedra UNESCO de Juventude, Educação e Sociedade & INSIGHT PORTUGAL
133. Catholic University in Ružomberok – SLOVAKIA
134. Catholic University of the Sacred Heart ITALY
135. Caucasus University GEORGIA
136. CBIOS – Research Center for Biosciences & Health Technologies – PORTUGAL
138. CCEC – Centre of Competence for EPLAN Certifications GERMANY
139. CEFH Universidade Católica Portuguesa Braga PORTUGAL
141. CEM, Cambridge University Press and Assessment – UNITED KINGDOM
142. Center for Research in Higher Education Policies (CIPES) PORTUGAL
143. Central Connecticut State University UNITED STATES
144. Central European University AUSTRIA
145. Central Queensland University AUSTRALIA
146. Central University of Technology SOUTH AFRICA
147. Centre for Nursing and Midwifery Education – IRELAND
148. Centria AMK FINLAND
149. Centro de Investigação em Didática e Tecnologia na Formação de Formadores, Universidade de Aveiro – PORTUGAL
150. Centro de Investigação em Educação Básica (CIEB), Instituto Politécnico de Bragança PORTUGAL
151. Centro Universitario de la Defensa SPAIN
155. CEU San Pablo University – SPAIN
161. CIDTFF – Research Centre on Didactics and Technology in the Education of Trainers
162. CIES, Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa PORTUGAL
164. CIIEMAD – UPIEM – Instituto Politécnico Nacional MEXICO
165. CINAV / Naval Academy PORTUGAL
166. CiTUA, Center for Innovation in Territory, Urbanism, and Architecture PORTUGAL
167. CiTUR – Centre for Tourism Research, Development and Innovation – Instituto
168. City University of London UNITED KINGDOM
169. City University of New York UNITED STATES
170. Clark Atlanta University UNITED STATES
171. Clemson University – UNITED STATES
172. Cleveland State University UNITED STATES
173. Clinical Psychologist Freelance ISRAEL
174. Code.org UNITED STATES
175. Colegio de Bachilleres del Estado de Tamaulipas MEXICO
176. Colegiul Na?ional “Petru Rare?” Beclean ROMANIA
177. Colgate University UNITED STATES
178. Cologne Cobots Lab – GERMANY
179. Cologne University of Applied Sciences – TH Koeln – GERMANY
180. Columbia University – UNITED STATES
181. Comenius University Bratislava – SLOVAKIA
182. Community College of Rhode Island – UNITED STATES
183. Computer Technology Institute & Press – Diophantus (CTI) GREECE
184. Concordia University – CANADA
185. Confédération Européenne de Volleyball (CEV) LUXEMBOURG
186. Conselleria d’Educació, Universitats i Ocupació – SPAIN
187. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche – Istituto Tecnologie Didattiche ITALY
188. Constantin Brancusi University ROMANIA
189. Constantine the Philosopher University in Nitra – SLOVAKIA
190. Contraloría General de la República COLOMBIA
191. Copenhagen Business School – DENMARK
192. Copperbelt University ZAMBIA
193. Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios – COLOMBIA
194. Corvinus University of Budapest HUNGARY
195. Coursera UNITED STATES
196. Covenant University – NIGERIA
197. Creighton University – UNITED STATES
198. Croatian Academic and Research Network – CARNET CROATIA
199. Croatian Agency for Science and Higher Education (AZVO) – CROATIA
200. CUNEF University – SPAIN
201. Cyber University Japan – JAPAN
202. Cyprus University of Technology – CYPRUS
203. Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague – CZECH REPUBLIC
204. Charity Education – CZECH REPUBLIC
205. Charles Sturt University AUSTRALIA
206. Charles University – CZECH REPUBLIC
207. Chechen State Pedagogical University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
208. Chelyabinsk State University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
209. Choice Research Group – UNITED STATES
210. Chouaib Doukkali University MOROCCO
211. Christopolis Vocational & Technical Education – LIBERIA
212. Chukyo University – JAPAN
213. Chung-Ang University KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
214. Dalarna University – SWEDEN
215. Dalhousie University – CANADA
216. Danube University Krems AUSTRIA
217. Daugavpils University LATVIA
218. David Yellin Academic College of Education ISRAEL
219. Defense University Center at the Spanish Naval Academy SPAIN
220. Delft University of Technology – NETHERLANDS
221. Democritus University of Thrace GREECE
222. Department of Education – SOUTH AFRICA
223. Deree-The American College of Greece GREECE
224. Digital Knowledge Co., Ltd. JAPAN
225. Digital Transformation Commission of the Engineering Associations of Catalonia SPAIN
226. Dirección Regional de educación de Artà – GREECE
227. Dirección Regional de educación de Grecia Occidental – GRECIA
228. Dirección Regional de educación de Macedonia Occidental – GREECE
229. DOBA Business School SLOVENIA
230. Dong Nai University – VIETNAM
231. Douglas College CANADA
232. Dresden University of Technology – GERMANY
233. Drexel University – UNITED STATES
234. DTI Foundation SPAIN
235. Dublin City University – IRELAND
236. Duhok University – IRAQ
237. Dunarea de Jos University of Galati – ROMANIA
238. Durban University of Technology – SOUTH AFRICA
239. Dzemal Bijedic University of Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
240. EAE Business School – SPAIN
241. East Carolina University UNITED STATES
242. East Texas Baptist University – UNITED STATES
243. Eastern Institute of Technology NEW ZEALAND
244. eCampus University ITALY
245. École de la deuxième chance Haute-Loire – FRANCE
246. École Marocaine des Sciences de l’Ingénieur – MOROCCO
247. EDEM Business School – SPAIN
248. EDEM Centro Universitario SPAIN
249. Edinburgh Napier University – UNITED KINGDOM
250. Education Development Center – UNITED STATES
251. Education, Research & Consultancy Center LITHUANIA
252. Educational Consultant – UNITED STATES
253. Educational Ministry SAUDI ARABIA
254. EEIG Ecotrophelia Europe BELGIUM
255. EGADE Business School – MEXICO
256. Ege Üniversitesi TURKEY
257. Eindhoven University of Technology NETHERLANDS
258. EKA University of Applied Sciences LATVIA
259. Elizabeth City State University – UNITED STATES
260. Elon University UNITED STATES
261. ELTE, Eötvös Lorand University – HUNGARY
262. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University UNITED STATES
263. Emirates College for Advanced Education UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
264. Emory University UNITED STATES
265. Empire State University of SUNY UNITED STATES
266. Engineering Institute of Technology AUSTRALIA
268. Eötvös Loránd University – HUNGARY
270. Erasmus University Rotterdam – NETHERLANDS
271. ESA Education – BELGIUM
272. ESADE, Ramon Llull University SPAIN
273. Escola Superior de Comunicação Social – PORTUGAL
274. Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti PORTUGAL
275. Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus PORTUGAL
276. Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto – PORTUGAL
277. Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão PORTUGAL
278. Escuela Superior Politecnica del Litoral (ESPOL) – ECUADOR
279. ESTG – School of Technology and Management, Polytechnic of Leiria – PORTUGAL
280. Estonian University of Life Sciences ESTONIA
281. Eszterházy Károly Catholic University HUNGARY
283. EUAbout Brussels – BELGIUM
284. Europäische Bildungsinitiative AUSTRIA
285. European Commission – Joint Research Centre SPAIN
286. European Initiative for Education – AUSTRIA
287. European Science Foundation – ESF FRANCE
288. European Security and Defence College (ESDC) – BELGIUM
289. European University for Innovation and Perspective – GERMANY
290. European University of Cyprus CYPRUS
292. EV Sudano Systems Solutions,LLC – UNITED STATES
293. Evangelische Hochschule Dresden GERMANY
294. Exponent Inc. UNITED STATES
295. Faculdade de Ciências Médicas da Santa Casa de São Paulo BRAZIL
296. Faculty of Fine Arts of Porto PORTUGAL
297. Fachhochschule Burgenland GmbH – AUSTRIA
298. Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz FHNW SWITZERLAND
299. Fairfield University – UNITED STATES
300. Farmingdale State College UNITED STATES
302. Federal Institute Goiano BRAZIL
303. Federal Institute of Amazonas BRAZIL
304. Federal Institute of Minas Gerais – BRAZIL
305. Federal Institute of Technology Zurich ETH SWITZERLAND
306. Federal University of Amazonas – UFAM – BRAZIL
307. Federal University of Goias BRAZIL
308. Federal University of Juiz de Fora BRAZIL
309. Federal University of Maranhão BRAZIL
310. Federal University of Paraná – BRAZIL
311. Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte – BRAZIL
312. Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul BRAZIL
313. Federal University of Santa Catarina – BRAZIL
314. Fernuniversität Hagen – GERMANY
315. Ferrum College – UNITED STATES
317. FH Aachen GERMANY
318. FH Joanneum – AUSTRIA
319. FHNW School of Social Work – SWITZERLAND
320. Flagler College – UNITED STATES
321. Flinders University – AUSTRALIA
322. Florida Institute of Technology – UNITED STATES
323. Florida State University UNITED STATES
324. Florida Universitària – SPAIN
326. FOM München – GERMANY
327. FOM University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
328. Fondazione Collegio delle Università Milanesi – ITALY
329. Fondazione Hub Innovazione Trentino (HIT) ITALY
330. Fondazione LINKS ITALY
331. Fontys University of Applied Science NETHERLANDS
332. Forum Virium Helsinki – FINLAND
333. Foundation Millennium@Edu Sustainable Education – SWITZERLAND
334. Frascati National Laboratory ITALY
335. Frederick University – CYPRUS
336. Free University of Bozen-Bolzano – ITALY
337. Friedrich Schiller University Jena – GERMANY
338. FSPAC/UBB Cluj-Napoca – ROMANIA
340. Fundació per a la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – SPAIN
341. Fundació Tecnocampus Mataró Maresme – UPF SPAIN
342. Fundación Laboral de la Construcción – SPAIN
343. Fundación Paraguaya PARAGUAY
344. Fundación Universitaria los Libertadores COLOMBIA
345. Further Learning Group – PORTUGAL
346. Furtwangen University GERMANY
347. Future University Hakodate JAPAN
348. ga Khan University TANZANIA
349. Gargani + Company – UNITED STATES
350. General Jonas Žemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania LITHUANIA
351. Generalitat Valenciana SPAIN
352. Geographic Solutions UNITED STATES
353. Georg-August-University of Goettingen GERMANY
354. George Mason University UNITED STATES
355. George Washington University UNITED STATES
356. Georgetown University UNITED STATES
357. Georgia Southern University UNITED STATES
358. Georgia’s Innovation and Technology Agency – GEORGIA
359. German University of Digital Science – GERMANY
360. GetReskilled – IRELAND
361. Ghana Communication Technology University GHANA
362. Ghana Education Service / Cape Coast Metropolitan Assembly – GHANA
363. Ghent University BELGIUM
364. GILT (Games Interaction & Learning Technologies) – PORTUGAL
365. Glasgow Caledonian University UNITED KINGDOM
366. Global Change Research Institute CZECH REPUBLIC
367. Global Partnership for Education HAITI
368. Globiz Professional University JAPAN
369. Goce Delcev University Stip – MACEDONIA
370. Goethe University Frankfurt – GERMANY
371. Gonzaga University UNITED STATES
372. Gracefilled Opportunities of Hope UNITED STATES
373. Grand Canyon University – UNITED STATES
374. Grand Valley State University / UNAN Managua – UNITED STATES
375. Graz University of Technology – AUSTRIA
376. Greek Ministry of Education GREECE
377. Greta Auvergne – FRANCE
378. Greta Boubonnais Combraille- FRANCE
379. Greta d’Yssingeaux- FRANCE
380. Greta de Monistrol-sur-Loire- FRANCE
381. Greta Dore-Allier- FRANCE
382. Greta Monts du Cantals- FRANCE
383. Greta Nord Allier- FRANCE
384. Griffith University AUSTRALIA
385. Gulf Islands School District 64 – CANADA
386. Gulf University for Science and Technology – KUWAIT
387. Gustave Eiffel University FRANCE
388. Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
389. Hacettepe University TURKEY
390. Halmstad University SWEDEN
391. Häme University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
392. Hamm-Lippstadt University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
393. Hanze University of Applied Sciences – NETHERLANDS
394. Harokopio University of Athens – GREECE
395. Harvard University – UNITED STATES
396. Haute École de Gestion SWITZERLAND
397. Haute Ecole Pédagogique BEJUNE SWITZERLAND
398. HealthReasoning – UNITED STATES
399. HEI-Lab: Digital Human-environment Interaction Lab – PORTUGAL
400. Heilbronn University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
401. Heinrich Heine University – GERMANY
402. Helicoptering Perspectives FRANCE
403. Hellenic Open University – GREECE
404. Hemdat College of Education / Michlalah Jerusalem College ISRAEL
405. Henley Business School UNITED KINGDOM
406. Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC – UNITED STATES
407. Herzog College – ISRAEL
408. HES-SO University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland SWITZERLAND
409. Hibernia College IRELAND
410. Higher Institute of Management Studies (HIMS) – CAMEROON
411. Higher School of Economics – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
412. Higher School of Education of the Viseu Polytechnic University – PORTUGAL
413. Hiroshima City University JAPAN
414. Hochschule der Medien GERMANY
415. Hochschule fuer Technik und Wirtschaft (HTW) GERMANY
416. Hochschule für Technik Stuttgart – GERMANY
417. Hochschule Heilbronn – GERMANY
418. Hochschule Karlsruhe – University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
419. Hochschule Mainz University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
420. Hochschule Merseburg – GERMANY
421. Hochschule Mittweida GERMANY
422. Hochschule München University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
423. Hochschule Stralsund – GERMANY
425. Hogeschool Leiden – NETHERLANDS
426. Hogeschool Utrecht NETHERLANDS
427. Hokusei Gakuen University JAPAN
428. Hokusho University JAPAN
429. Holbæk Sygehus – DENMARK
430. Holmesglen Institute AUSTRALIA
431. Holy Family University LEBANON
432. Hong Kong Baptist University HONG KONG
433. Hong Kong Polytechnic University HONG KONG
434. Hope College – UNITED STATES
435. Howard University – UNITED STATES
437. HTW Berlin GERMANY
438. HTW Dresden – GERMANY
439. Hult International Business School UNITED KINGDOM
440. Humanitas University ITALY
441. Humber College – CANADA
442. Hungarian University of Agricultural and Life Sciences HUNGARY
443. Hunter College UNITED STATES
444. Huzhou University CHINA
445. I.I.S. Di Vittorio Lattanzio ITALY
446. Iasi University of Life Sciences (IULS) ROMANIA
447. IAT, WH Gelsenkirchen – GERMANY
448. IATED ACADEMY S.L. CIF: B98579568 – SPAIN
449. Ibaraki University JAPAN
450. ICI Bucharest – ROMANIA
451. iCognitus4ALL – It Solutions – PORTUGAL
452. Idaho State University UNITED STATES
453. IED San Cayetano COLOMBIA
454. IES Al-Satt SPAIN
457. IIE Varsity College SOUTH AFRICA
460. Ilia State University GEORGIA
461. Ilmenau University of Technology GERMANY
462. Imam Mohammed Ibn Saud University (IMSIU) SAUDI ARABIA
463. IMD Business School for Management and Leadership Courses – SWITZERLAND
464. Imperial College London – UNITED KINGDOM
465. IMT Atlantique FRANCE
466. Independent Institute of Education SOUTH AFRICA
467. Independent Researcher UNITED STATES
468. Indian Council For Research on International Economic Relations (ICRIER) INDIA
469. Indian institute of technology Delhi INDIA
470. Indiana University – UNITED STATES
472. Industrial Systems Institute/ATHENA RC – GREECE
473. inED, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto – PORTUGAL
474. INFN-LNF/Frascati Scienza – ITALY
475. Innopolis University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
476. INOVA+ Innovation Services, S.A. – PORTUGAL
477. Institut de Ciències del Mar SPAIN
478. Institut d’Educació Secundària José Vilaplana – SPAIN
479. Institute for Applied Informatics (InfAI) e.V. GERMANY
480. Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia SPAIN
481. Institute for Connecting Neuroscience with Teaching and Learning UNITED STATES
482. Institute of Applied Computer Science – POLAND
483. Institute of Child Education and Psychology Europe IRELAND
484. Institute of Industrial Engineering and Management – SLOVAKIA
485. Instituto 512 DOMINICAN REPUBLIC
486. Instituto Crescer Movimento Cidadania e Juventude – BRAZIL
487. Instituto de Educação Universidade de Lisboa – PORTUGAL
488. Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Sancti Petri SPAIN
489. Instituto de Investigación en Ingeniería de Elche (I3E) SPAIN
490. Instituto de Investigación en Recursos Cinegéticos (IREC-CSIC-UCLM) SPAIN
491. Instituto de Pesquisas Eldorado BRAZIL
492. Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Amazonas – BRAZIL
493. Instituto Federal do Espírito Santo – campus São Mateus BRAZIL
494. Instituto Federal Goiano BRAZIL
495. Instituto Militar de Engenharia – BRAZIL
496. Instituto Noosfera – BRAZIL
497. Instituto Piaget – PORTUGAL
498. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança PORTUGAL
499. Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco PORTUGAL
500. Instituto Politécnico de Leiria PORTUGAL
501. Instituto Politécnico de Lisboa / CICS.NOVA, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
502. Instituto Politécnico de Santarém PORTUGAL
503. Instituto Politécnico de Tomar PORTUGAL
504. Instituto Politécnico de Viseu PORTUGAL
505. Instituto Politécnico Nacional MEXICO
506. Instituto Politecnico Santarem PORTUGAL
507. Instituto Português de Marketing PORTUGAL
508. Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências de Lisboa (ISEC Lisboa) PORTUGAL
509. Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto PORTUGAL
510. Instituto Superior de Gestão – PORTUGAL
511. Instituto Superior Técnico – PORTUGAL
512. Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey MEXICO
513. Instituto Universitario Militar – PORTUGAL
514. Instituto Universitário Militar PORTUGAL
515. Instructure Global LTD UNITED KINGDOM
516. Intelligent Decision Support Systems – IDS S.M.P.C. – GREECE
517. Inter American University of Puerto Rico UNITED STATES
518. International Black Sea University – GEORGIA
519. International College of Technology JAPAN
520. International Hellenic University GREECE
521. International Institute for Management Development – SWITZERLAND
522. International Islamic University Malaysia – MALAYSIA
524. Ionian University – GREECE
525. Iowa State University – UNITED STATES
526. IPT Gil Betegon Martinez PANAMA
527. IPZ, Maribor – SLOVENIA
528. ISCAE Business School MOROCCO
530. ISCTE – Instituto Universitário de Lisboa PORTUGAL
531. ISEC Lisboa – Instituto Superior de Educação e Ciências PORTUGAL
532. ISEP – Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto – PORTUGAL
533. ISG – Instituto Superior de Gestão – PORTUGAL
534. Islamic Azad Universsity Tonekabon Branch – IRAN
535. ISPA – Instituto Universitário PORTUGAL
537. Israel Academic College Ramat Gan ISRAEL
538. Istanbul University – Cerrahpasa – TURKEY
539. Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare ITALY
540. Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia – ITALY
541. Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell’Abruzzo e del Molise “G. Caporale” – ITALY
542. Istrian University of Applied Sciences – CROATIA
545. IU International University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
546. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University – GEORGIA
547. J. Selye University – SLOVAKIA
548. Jade Hochschule GERMANY
549. Jagiellonian University in Krakow – POLAND
550. James Madison University UNITED STATES
551. JAMK University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
552. Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce POLAND
553. Jasikan College of Education GHANA
554. Jessenius Faculty of Medicine SLOVAKIA
555. JKU – Johannes Kepler University Linz AUSTRIA
556. Johannes Gutenberg University – GERMANY
557. Jönköping University SWEDEN
558. Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek CROATIA
559. Jozef Stefan Institute – SLOVENIA
560. Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg GERMANY
561. Juntendo University JAPAN
562. Juraj Dobrila University of Pula CROATIA
563. JWP Consulting – Inspired by Children MONGOLIA
564. Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciencecs FINLAND
565. Kagawa University JAPAN
566. Kalashnikov Izhevsk State Technical University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
567. Kanazawa Institute of Technology – JAPAN
568. Kansai Gaidai University – JAPAN
569. Karelia University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
570. Karl-Franzens-University of Graz AUSTRIA
571. Kaunas University of Applied Sciences LITHUANIA
572. Kazan Federal University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
573. Kempten University of Applied Science – GERMANY
574. Khulna Government Mohila College Khulna, Under National University
575. KIMEP University – KAZAKHSTAN
576. Kimitisik B.V. – NETHERLANDS
577. King Abdulaziz University – SAUDI ARABIA
578. King Faisal University – SAUDI ARABIA
579. King Khalid University – SAUDI ARABIA
580. King Saud University – SAUDI ARABIA
581. King’s College London UNITED KINGDOM
582. Klaipeda State University of Applied Sciences LITHUANIA
583. Klaipeda University – LITHUANIA
584. Kobe Gakuin University – JAPAN
585. Konan University – JAPAN
586. Kongsberg Discovery – NORWAY
587. Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
588. KTH Royal Institute of Technology – SWEDEN
590. Kuwait Integrated Petroleum Industries Company – KUWAIT
591. Kuwait University – KUWAIT
592. Kyushu University – JAPAN
593. L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University KAZAKHSTAN
594. LAB University of Applied Sciences – FINLAND
595. Laboratoire ELLIADD FRANCE
596. Laboratoire LITA, ESP, UCAD – SENEGAL
597. Lancaster University – UNITED KINGDOM
598. Lander University UNITED STATES
599. Landstown High School UNITED STATES
600. Larbi Ben M’Hidi University – ALGERIA
601. Latvian University LATVIA
602. Laurea University of Applied Sciences – FINLAND
603. Laurentian University – CANADA
604. Le Mans University FRANCE
605. Learning and Development profesional UNITED KINGDOM
606. Learnsharp BV NETHERLANDS
607. Lebanese University of Beirut & Université LEBANON
608. Lehigh University UNITED STATES
609. Leibniz Universität GERMANY
610. Leiden University – NETHERLANDS
611. LEPL Akaki Tsereteli State University GEORGIA
612. Levinsky-Wingate Academic College / Tel- Aviv University ISRAEL
613. Lifeliqe, Inc. UNITED STATES
614. Link Campus University – ITALY
615. Linköping University SWEDEN
616. LINKS Foundation ITALY
617. Linnaeus University – SWEDEN
618. Lithuanian University of Health Sciences – LITHUANIA
619. Liverpool John Moores University – UNITED KINGDOM
620. LMU Munich GERMANY
621. LMU University Hospital GERMANY
622. Lodz University of Technology POLAND
623. Lomonosov Moscow State University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
624. London School of Economics and Political Science UNITED KINGDOM
625. Loughborough University – UNITED KINGDOM
626. Louisiana State University – UNITED STATES
627. Lublin University of Technology – POLAND
628. Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts SWITZERLAND
629. Ludwig-Maximilians-University – GERMANY
630. Luiss Guido Carli University – ITALY
631. Luleå University of Technology – SWEDEN
632. Lunghwa University of Science and Technology – TAIWAN
633. Lusófona University – PORTUGAL
635. Lycée Polyvalent Emmanuel Chabrier- FRANCE
636. Lycée Professionnel Auguste Aymard- FRANCE
637. Lycée Professionnel Jean Monnet- FRANCE
638. Lycée Simone Weil- FRANCE
639. Lyon College – UNITED STATES
640. M2C Institut für angewandte Medienforschung Bremen – GERMANY
641. MacEwan University CANADA
642. Mackenzie Presbyterian University BRAZIL
643. Macquarie Community College AUSTRALIA
644. Mahidol University THAILAND
645. Makerere University UGANDA
646. Mälardalen University – SWEDEN
647. Malmo University – SWEDEN
648. Malta College of Arts, Science & Technology – MALTA
649. Management Development Institute Gurgaon – INDIA
650. Manchester Metropolitan University – UNITED KINGDOM
651. Manisa Celal Bayar University – TURKEY
652. Manzalab – FRANCE
653. Marist College – UNITED STATES
654. Marmara University – TURKEY
655. Mary Immaculate College – IRELAND
656. Masaryk University – CZECH REPUBLIC
657. Maseno University KENYA
658. Maskew Miller Learning SOUTH AFRICA
659. Massachusetts Institute of Technology – UNITED STATES
660. Massey University – NEW ZEALAND
661. Matej Bel University – SLOVAKIA
662. Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel ISRAEL
663. Maynooth University IRELAND
665. McGill University CANADA
666. MCI – The Entrepreneurial School AUSTRIA
667. McMaster University – CANADA
668. Medical University of Sofia – BULGARIA
669. Meiji Gakuin University – JAPAN
670. Metropolia University of Applied Sciences – FINLAND
672. Mid Sweden University – SWEDEN
673. Middle East Technical University (METU) – TURKEY
674. Middle Tennessee State University – UNITED STATES
675. Middlesbrough College UNITED KINGDOM
676. Military Higher Technical Institute – PORTUGAL
677. Military University of Technology – POLAND
678. Milwaukee School of Engineering UNITED STATES
679. Millennium@Edu Sustainable Education – SWITZERLAND
680. Minevaganti – ITALY
681. Ministry of Education SINGAPORE
682. Ministry of Education WESTERN – SAHARA
683. Ministry of Science and Education – CROATIA
684. Mississippi State University – UNITED STATES
686. MNA Läkarkonsult AB – SWEDEN
687. Mohammed VI Polytechnic University MOROCCO
688. Monash University – AUSTRALIA
689. Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa SPAIN
690. Mongolian University of Science and Technology MONGOLIA
691. Montclair State University UNITED STATES
692. Morehouse College – UNITED STATES
693. Morgan State University UNITED STATES
694. Mount Royal University CANADA
695. Mr. Danoff’s Teaching Laboratory UNITED STATES
696. Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Science TANZANIA
697. Multimedia University – MALAYSIA
698. Mundo Studies / Swiss Education Suisse SWITZERLAND
699. Munster Technological University – IRELAND
700. Murray State University – UNITED STATES
701. Mykolas Romeris University – LITHUANIA
702. Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University – JAPAN
703. Nagoya University of Foreign Studies – JAPAN
704. Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts – SINGAPORE
705. Nara University of Education JAPAN
706. National and Kapodistrian University of Athens – GREECE
707. National Coalition of Independent Scholars – UNITED STATES
708. National Dong Hwa University TAIWAN
709. National Education Institute Slovenia SLOVENIA
710. National Institute for Research and Development in Informatics – ICI Bucharest –
711. National Institute of Education – SINGAPORE
712. National Institute of Technology – JAPAN
713. National Kaohsiung Normal University – TAIWAN
714. National Kapodistrian University of Athens GREECE
715. National Open University – NIGERIA
716. National Research Council ITALY
717. National Research Institute “Higher School of Economics” – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
718. National Research University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
719. National Skills Foundation of India INDIA
720. National Sun Yat-sen University TAIWAN
721. National Support Organization of eTwinning Greece – GREECE
722. National Taipei University of Education – TAIWAN
723. National Taiwan Normal University – TAIWAN
724. National Technical University of Athens – GREECE
725. National University for Science and Technology POLITEHNICA of Bucharest
726. National University of La Plata – ARGENTINA
727. National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest ROMANIA
728. National University of Singapore – SINGAPORE
729. National University of Theatre and Film I.L. Caragiale ROMANIA
730. National University UNITED STATES
731. National Yang-Ming Chiao Tung University – TAIWAN
732. National Yunlin University of Science and Technology – TAIWAN
733. Nazareth College UNITED STATES
734. NCSR Demokritos GREECE
735. Nelson Mandela University SOUTH AFRICA
736. Nevada Governor’s Office of Economic Development UNITED STATES
737. New Jersey Alternative Education Association – UNITED STATES
738. New York City Public Schools UNITED STATES
739. Newcastle University – UNITED KINGDOM
740. NGO “Tower of the Happy Children” LITHUANIA
741. Niagara University – UNITED STATES
742. Nipissing University – CANADA
743. niversity of Maribor SLOVENIA
744. niversity of the Witwatersrand SOUTH AFRICA
745. Nord University NORWAY
746. North Carolina State University UNITED STATES
747. North Vancouver School District CANADA
748. Northeastern University – UNITED STATES
749. Northern Arizona University – UNITED STATES
750. North-West University – SOUTH AFRICA
751. Northwestern University UNITED STATES
752. Norwegian University of Science and Technology NORWAY
753. Nottingham Trent University UNITED KINGDOM
754. NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) – PORTUGAL
755. Novosibirsk State University RUSSIAN FEDERATION
756. NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology NORWAY
757. NU Hospital Group SWEDEN
758. NYC College of Technology/CUNY UNITED STATES
759. Oakland University UNITED STATES
760. OBS Business School / Universitat Pompeu Fabra – SPAIN
761. Odesa National University of Technology UKRAINE
762. Ohio State University UNITED STATES
763. Oita University – JAPAN
764. Oklahoma State University – UNITED STATES
765. Old Dominion University – UNITED STATES
766. OMNES Education London School UNITED KINGDOM
767. One Tree Hill College NEW ZEALAND
768. Online Global Vision ROMANIA
769. Ono Academic College – ISRAEL
770. Ontario Tech University – CANADA
771. Open Laboratory for Science Education, Research Centre on Didactics and
772. Open University – NETHERLANDS
773. Open University Malaysia – MALAYSIA
774. Open University of Israel – ISRAEL
775. Oracle Academy BELGIUM
776. Oracle SPAIN
777. Oranim College of Education ISRAEL
778. Oregon Institute of Technology UNITED STATES
779. Orot Israel College of Education ISRAEL
780. Osaka University JAPAN
781. Oslo Meteropolitan University NORWAY
782. Østfold University College – NORWAY
783. Otago Polytechnic NEW ZEALAND
784. Otemon Gakuin University JAPAN
785. Otermans Institute – UNITED KINGDOM
786. OTH Regensburg – GERMANY
787. Otto-von-Guericke-University Magdeburg GERMANY
788. Oviedo University SPAIN
789. OWL University of Applied Sciences and Arts GERMANY
790. Pace University – UNITED STATES
791. Palacký University Olomouc CZECH REPUBLIC
792. Panama University – PANAMA
793. Panev?žio Kolegija / State Higher Education – LITHUANIA
794. Panevezys Collegue – LITHUANIA
795. Park University – UNITED STATES
796. Pascual Bravo University Institution COLOMBIA
797. Patrice Lumumba Peoples’ Friendship University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
798. Pavol Jozef Šafárik University in Košice SLOVAKIA
799. Pedagogic University of Maputo MOZAMBIQUE
800. Penn State University UNITED STATES
801. Pennsylvania College of Technology UNITED STATES
802. Pennsylvania State University – UNITED STATES
803. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia RUSSIAN FEDERATION
804. Pepperdine University – UNITED STATES
805. Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
806. Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine VIETNAM
807. Phillips Academy UNITED STATES
808. Phuket Rajabhat University THAILAND
809. Plekhanov Russian University of Economics – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
810. Plovdiv University “Paisii Hilendarski” BULGARIA
811. Point of Value SWEDEN
812. Polish-Japanese Academy of Information Technology POLAND
813. Politecnico Calzaturiero Scarl – ITALY
814. Politecnico di Milano – ITALY
815. Politecnico di Torino – ITALY
816. Politehnica University Timisoara – ROMANIA
817. Polytechnic Institute of Beja – PORTUGAL
818. Polytechnic Institute of Bragança
819. Polytechnic Institute of Coimbra PORTUGAL
820. Polytechnic Institute of Portalegre PORTUGAL
821. Polytechnic Institute of Setúbal – PORTUGAL
822. Polytechnic of Guarda PORTUGAL
823. Polytechnic of Leiria PORTUGAL
824. Polytechnic of Porto – PORTUGAL
825. Polytechnic University of Bucharest ROMANIA
826. Polytechnic University of Cávado and Ave – PORTUGAL
827. Polytechnique Hauts-De-France FRANCE
828. Polytechnique Montréal CANADA
829. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso – CHILE
830. Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú – PERU
831. Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali – COLOMBIA
832. Portuguese Naval Reseach Center PORTUGAL
833. Poznan University of Economics and Business – POLAND
834. Prague University of Economics and Business / University of West Bohemia CZECH
835. Presov University – SLOVAKIA
836. Primary school Vojke Šmuc Izola SLOVENIA
837. Prism Design Academy CANADA
838. Public employment service of Flanders BELGIUM
839. Public Library “Radislav Nik?evi?” SERBIA
840. Punjab Skills Development Fund – PAKISTAN
841. Purdue University UNITED STATES
842. Qatar University – QATAR
843. QfD Spain SPAIN
844. Queen Mary University London – UNITED KINGDOM
845. Queen’s University Belfast UNITED KINGDOM
846. Queen’s University CANADA
847. Queensland University of Technology – AUSTRALIA
848. Radboud University – NETHERLANDS
849. Rajagiri School of Engineering & Technology INDIA
850. Rakovski National Defence College – BULGARIA
851. Redu Space Services for ESA BELGIUM
852. Regional Center of Éducation & Training professions – MOROCCO
853. Regis High School UNITED STATES
854. Research Institute for Vocational Education and Training gGmbH GERMANY
855. Research Institutes of Sweden SWEDEN
856. Rezekne Academy of Technologies LATVIA
857. Rhine-Waal University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
858. Riga Technical University LATVIA
859. Rikkyo University JAPAN
860. RIT Croatia CROATIA
861. Robert Gordon University UNITED KINGDOM
862. Rochester Institute of Technology – UNITED STATES
863. Roma Tre University ITALY
864. Rostock University – UNITED STATES
865. Rovira i Virgili University SPAIN
866. Royal Academy of Engineering UNITED KINGDOM
867. Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland IRELAND
868. Royal Roads University – CANADA
870. Russian University of Transport RUSSIAN FEDERATION
871. Rutgers University UNITED STATES
872. RWTH Aachen University GERMANY
873. Ryukoku University – JAPAN
874. Saarland University GERMANY
875. Saba University School of Medicine NETHERLANDS ANTILLES
876. Saginaw Valley State University UNITED STATES
877. Saint John Houghton, Catholic Voluntary Academy UNITED KINGDOM
878. Saint Kentigern College NEW ZEALAND
879. Salzburg University AUSTRIA
880. Santa Clara University UNITED STATES
881. Santarém Polytechnic University PORTUGAL
882. Sao Camilo University Center BRAZIL
883. Sapienza University of Rome ITALY
884. Saskatchewan Polytechnic – CANADA
885. Science and Research Azad University IRAN
886. Science View GREECE
887. School Leader Development Ltd – UNITED KINGDOM
888. School of Business, Economics and IT SWEDEN
889. School of Pedagogical & Technological Education (ASPETE) GREECE
890. Seattle Pacific University UNITED STATES
891. Secondary School of Agriculture and Technical Education – CROATIA
892. Secretaría de Educación Distrital de Bogotá COLOMBIA
893. Seeds of empowerment – UNITED STATES
894. Sefako Makgatho Health Sciences University SOUTH AFRICA
895. Self-employed Consultant to the Visually Impaired UNITED STATES
896. Semyung University KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
897. Seoul National University – KOREA, REPUBLIC OF
898. Shaqra university SAUDI ARABIA
899. Sharjah Education Academy – UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
900. Shenandoah University – UNITED STATES
901. Shikoku University JAPAN
902. Siauliai State Higher Education Institution LITHUANIA
903. Sichuan University CHINA
904. Siemens AG – GERMANY
905. Simon Fraser University CANADA
906. Singapore Institute of Technology SINGAPORE
907. SkillsFuture Singapore SINGAPORE
908. Škoda Auto University – CZECH REPUBLIC
909. Slovak University of Technology SLOVAKIA
910. Smith College – UNITED STATES
911. Sofia University ‘St. Kliment Ohridski’ – BULGARIA
912. Sol Plaatje University SOUTH AFRICA
913. Solent University UNITED KINGDOM
914. Sony Institute of Higher Education – JAPAN
915. Sophia University JAPAN
916. South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute – AUSTRALIA
917. South East Technological University IRELAND
918. South Ural State Humanitarian Pedagogical University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
919. South Westphalia University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
920. South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences – FINLAND
921. Southern Federal University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
922. Southern Illinois University Edwardsville – UNITED STATES
923. Spiru Haret University ROMANIA
924. Spring University Myanmar UNITED STATES
925. Springer NETHERLANDS
926. SquirrLE school – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
927. SRH Berlin University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
928. Srinakharinwirot University – THAILAND
929. Ss. Cyril and Methodius University – MACEDONIA
930. St Vincent’s University Hospital IRELAND
931. St. Augstine College UNITED STATES
932. St. Gallen University of Teacher Education – SWITZERLAND
933. St. John’s University – UNITED STATES
934. St. Mary’s College IRELAND
935. Stadio Higher Education – SOUTH AFRICA
936. Staffordshire University UNITED KINGDOM
937. Stamford Public Schools UNITED STATES
938. State Higher Education Institution – LITHUANIA
939. State University of New York UNITED STATES
940. Stellenbosch University SOUTH AFRICA
941. Stevenson University UNITED STATES
942. Stichting Expertisecentrum Oefenen.nl NETHERLANDS
943. Stockholm University SWEDEN
944. Stranmillis University College UNITED KINGDOM
945. Stuttgart Media University – GERMANY
946. Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University THAILAND
947. Sultan Idris Education University – MALAYSIA
948. Sultan Qaboos University – OMAN
949. SUNY Empire State University – UNITED STATES
950. Swansea University UNITED KINGDOM
951. Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences SWITZERLAND
952. SYDIC – System Dynamics Italian Chapter – ITALY
953. Széchenyi István University HUNGARY
954. Talpiot College – ISRAEL
955. Tallinn University – ESTONIA
956. Tama Art University JAPAN
957. Tamkang University TAIWAN
958. Tampere University of Applied Sciences – FINLAND
959. Tarrant County College District – UNITED STATES
960. Tartu University ESTONIA
961. Te Pukenga – Unitec – NEW ZEALAND
962. Tecnológico de Antioquia COLOMBIA
963. Tecnológico de Costa Rica – COSTA RICA
964. Tecnologico Nacional de México – Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán – MEXICO
965. Technical University Cluj-Napoca ROMANIA
966. Technical University Dortmund GERMANY
967. Technical University of Applied Sciences Regensburg (OTH) – GERMANY
968. Technical University of Civil Engineering Bucharest – ROMANIA
969. Technical University of Cluj-Napoca – ROMANIA
970. Technical University of Darmstadt GERMANY
971. Technical University of Gabrovo BULGARIA
972. Technical University of Košice SLOVAKIA
973. Technical University of Liberec CZECH REPUBLIC
974. Technical University of Munich – GERMANY
975. Technion – Israel Institute of Technology – ISRAEL
976. Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen GERMANY
977. Technische Hochschule Nürnberg Georg Simon Ohm – GERMANY
978. Technische Universität Berlin – GERMANY
979. Technische Universität Braunschweig GERMANY
980. Technische Universität Dresden GERMANY
981. Technological Institute for Children’s Product and Leisure AIJU SPAIN
982. Technological University Dublin – IRELAND
983. Technological University of the Shannon – IRELAND
984. Tel Aviv University – ISRAEL
985. Tel Hai College – ISRAEL
986. Temasek Polytechnic – SINGAPORE
987. Te-Pukenga trading as Unitec NEW ZEALAND
988. Texas A&M University – UNITED STATES
989. Texas Woman’s University UNITED STATES
990. TH Cologne – GERMANY
991. TH Köln – GERMANY
992. The Academic College Levinsky-Wingate ISRAEL
993. The Aga Khan University -TANZANIA
994. The Agency for Science and Higher Education CROATIA
995. The American College of Greece – GREECE
996. The American University in Cairo EGYPT
997. The Association of Finnish Children’s Cultural Centers FINLAND
998. The Bucharest University of Economic Studies – ROMANIA
999. The City University of New York UNITED STATES
1000. The Chicago School UNITED STATES
1001. The Chinese University of Hong Kong – HONG KONG
1002. The Education University of Hong Kong – HONG KONG
1003. The Elizabethan Academy UNITED KINGDOM
1004. The Estonian Academy of Security Sciences ESTONIA
1005. The Hashemite University – JORDAN
1006. The Hong Kong Polytechnic University – HONG KONG
1007. The IIE’s Varsity College SOUTH AFRICA
1008. The Independent Institute of Education SOUTH AFRICA
1009. The Israel Academic College in Ramat-Gan – ISRAEL
1010. The Krzysztof Penderecki Academy of music in Krakow POLAND
1011. The Maldives National University MALDIVES
1012. The Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel ISRAEL
1013. The National Association of Public Librarians and Libraries in Romania ROMANIA
1014. The National University of Science and Technology Politehnica Bucharest
1015. The Norwegian Defence University College NORWAY
1016. The Open University UNITED KINGDOM
1017. The Pennsylvania State University – UNITED STATES
1018. The Polytechnic of Ibadan NIGERIA
1019. The Square Dot team BELGIUM
1020. The State University of Zanzibar TANZANIA
1021. The University of Auckland NEW ZEALAND
1022. The University of Edinburgh UNITED KINGDOM
1023. The University of Greenwich – UNITED KINGDOM
1024. The University of Hong Kong – HONG KONG
1025. The University of Hull UNITED KINGDOM
1026. The University of Manchester UNITED KINGDOM
1027. The University of Northampton – UNITED KINGDOM
1028. The University of Tennessee at Martin UNITED STATES
1029. The University of Texas at Arlington – UNITED STATES
1030. The University of Texas Rio Grande Valley UNITED STATES
1031. The University of the West Indies TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
1032. The University of the Western Cape – SOUTH AFRICA
1033. Thompson Rivers University CANADA
1034. Tokyo City University JAPAN
1035. Tokyo Gakugei University – JAPAN
1036. Tokyo Information Design Professional University JAPAN
1037. Tokyo Institute of Technology JAPAN
1038. Ton Duc Thang University VIETNAM
1039. Toronto Metropolitan University – CANADA
1040. Towson University UNITED STATES
1041. Trainings-Online GmbH GERMANY
1042. Trakia University – BULGARIA
1043. Transilvania University of Brașov – ROMANIA
1044. Trier University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
1045. Trnava University – SLOVAKIA
1046. Tshwane University of Technology – SOUTH AFRICA
1047. Tsinghua University – CHINA
1048. TSU Arn.Chikobava Institute of Linguistics GEORGIA
1049. TTK University of Applied Sciences – ESTONIA
1050. TU Bergakademie Freiberg GERMANY
1051. TU Delft – NETHERLANDS
1052. TU Dortmund University – GERMANY
1053. TU Dresden – GERMANY
1054. TU Dresden GERMANY
1055. TU Wien AUSTRIA
1056. Turku University of Applied Sciences FINLAND
1057. TUS Midlands – IRELAND
1058. Twproject – ITALY
1059. U.S. Air Force, Spangdahlem Air Base GERMANY
1060. UAB Vinted – LITHUANIA
1061. uangzhou Xinhua University CHINA
1062. UC Leuven Limburg BELGIUM
1063. UCLL University of Applied Sciences – BELGIUM
1064. UCSI University of Malaysia MALAYSIA
1065. UDIMA – Universidad a Distancia de Madrid – SPAIN
1066. Uganda Management Institute UGANDA
1067. UHasselt BELGIUM
1068. UiS NORWAY
1069. Uiversity Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust – UNITED KINGDOM
1070. Ulster University UNITED KINGDOM
1071. Umeå University – SWEDEN
1073. Unicamp University BRAZIL
1074. UNINT – Università degli Studi internazionali di Roma – ITALY
1075. UNISER Educational Mobility Sucursal en España SPAIN
1076. Unitec Institute of Technology – NEW ZEALAND
1077. United Arab Emirates University UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
1078. United States Air Force UNITED STATES
1079. United States Coast Guard Academy UNITED STATES
1080. UnitelmaSapienza – ITALY
1081. Universidad Alfonso X El Sabio – SPAIN
1082. Universidad Antonio de Nebrija SPAIN
1083. Universidad Autónoma de Encarnación – ECUADOR
1084. Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México MEXICO
1085. Universidad Autónoma de Madrid SPAIN
1086. Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León – MEXICO
1087. Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán – MEXICO
1088. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana – MEXICO
1089. Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana Azcapotzalco MEXICO
1090. Universidad Cardenal Herrera UCH-CEU – SPAIN
1091. Universidad Carlos III de Madrid – SPAIN
1092. Universidad Católica de Ávila SPAIN
1093. Universidad Católica de la Santísima Concepción – CHILE
1094. Universidad Católica de Valencia San Vicente Mártir – SPAIN
1095. Universidad Católica San Antonio de Murcia – SPAIN
1096. Universidad César Vallejo PERU
1097. Universidad CEU Cardenal Herrera – SPAIN
1098. Universidad Complutense de Madrid – SPAIN
1099. Universidad de Celaya MEXICO
1101. Universidad de Concepción CHILE
1102. universidad de Glasgow – UNITED KINGDOM
1103. Universidad de Guayaquil ECUADOR
1104. Universidad de la Guajira COLOMBIA
1105. Universidad de las Américas Puebla MEXICO
1106. Universidad de Playa Ancha CHILE
1107. Universidad de Santiago de Chile – CHILE
1108. Universidad de Sonora MEXICO
1109. Universidad del Atlantico – COLOMBIA
1110. Universidad del Bío-Bío – CHILE
1111. Universidad del Quindio – COLOMBIA
1112. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas COLOMBIA
1113. Universidad El Bosque COLOMBIA
1114. Universidad Estatal a Distancia / Universidad Fidélitas COSTA RICA
1115. Universidad Estatal de Milagro – ECUADOR
1116. Universidad Europea – SPAIN
1117. Universidad Federal de Río Grande del Norte – BRAZIL
1118. Universidad Francisco de Vitoria – SPAIN
1119. Universidad Internacional de La Rioja – SPAIN
1120. Universidad Juarez Autónoma de Tabasco – MEXICO
1121. Universidad Loyola Andalucía SPAIN
1122. Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo MEXICO
1123. Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche – SPAIN
1124. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras HONDURAS
1125. Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – MEXICO
1126. Universidad Nacional de Asunción – PARAGUAY
1127. Universidad Nacional de Colombia – COLOMBIA
1128. Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia – UNED SPAIN
1129. Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa PERU
1130. Universidad Pedagógica Nacional COLOMBIA
1131. Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena SPAIN
1132. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid – SPAIN
1133. Universidad Politécnica Salesiana – ECUADOR
1134. Universidad Pontificia Comillas – SPAIN
1135. Universidad Rey Juan Carlos – SPAIN
1136. Universidad San Francisco de Quito – ECUADOR
1137. Universidad San Jorge SPAIN
1138. Universidad Simon Bolivar COLOMBIA
1139. Universidad Surcolombiana COLOMBIA
1140. Universidad Técnica de Machala – ECUADOR
1141. Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María SPAIN
1142. Universidad Tecnológica de Panamá PANAMA
1143. Universidad Veracruzana – MEXICO
1144. Universidad Villanueva SPAIN
1145. Universidade Aberta PORTUGAL
1146. Universidade Católica Portuguesa – PORTUGAL
1147. Universidade da Coruña SPAIN
1148. Universidade da Madeira PORTUGAL
1149. Universidade de Aveiro PORTUGAL
1150. Universidade de Brasília BRAZIL
1151. Universidade de Lisboa PORTUGAL
1152. Universidade de São Paulo BRAZIL
1153. Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro PORTUGAL
1154. Universidade de Vigo – SPAIN
1155. Universidade do Estado do Amazonas BRAZIL
1156. Universidade do Porto PORTUGAL
1157. Universidade Estadual Paulista – BRAZIL
1158. Universidade Europeia PORTUGAL
1159. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais BRAZIL
1160. Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina – BRAZIL
1161. Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul BRAZIL
1162. Universidade Lusófona PORTUGAL
1163. Universidade Nova de Lisboa PORTUGAL
1164. Universidade Portucalense PORTUGAL
1165. Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie – BRAZIL
1166. Università Cattolica Del Sacro Cuore ITALY
1167. Universita’ D’Annunzio di Chieti e Pescara ITALY
1168. Università degli Studi dell’Aquila ITALY
1169. Università degli studi di Bari ”Aldo Moro” ITALY
1170. Università degli Studi di Firenze ITALY
1171. Università degli Studi di Macerata ITALY
1172. Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca – ITALY
1173. Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – ITALY
1174. Università degli Studi di Perugia ITALY
1175. Università degli Studi di Salerno – ITALY
1176. Università degli Studi Internazionali di Roma – ITALY
1177. Università del Molise ITALY
1178. Università della Calabria ITALY
1179. Università della Campania “l Vanvitelli” – ITALY
1180. Università di Genova ITALY
1181. Università di Macerata – ITALY
1182. Università di Torino ITALY
1183. Università IUAV di Venezia – ITALY
1184. Università Mediterranea di Reggio Calabria ITALY
1185. Università Poltecnica delle Marche – ITALY
1186. Università Roma Tre – ITALY
1187. Università Telematica eCampus ITALY
1188. Universitas Terbuka – INDONESIA
1189. Universitat Abat Oliva (UAO-CEU) SPAIN
1190. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona – SPAIN
1191. Universitat d’Andorra ANDORRA
1192. Universitat de Barcelona – SPAIN
1193. Universitat de Girona – SPAIN
1194. Universitat de les Illes Balears – SPAIN
1195. Universitat de Lleida – SPAIN
1196. Universitat de València – SPAIN
1197. Universität für Weiterbildung Krems – AUSTRIA
1198. Universitat Jaume I – SPAIN
1199. Universität Münster – GERMANY
1200. Universitat Oberta de Catalunya – SPAIN
1201. Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya – SPAIN
1202. Universitat Politècnica de València – SPAIN
1203. Universitat Pompeu Fabra SPAIN
1204. Universitat Ramon Llull SPAIN
1205. Universitat Rovira i Virgili – SPAIN
1206. Universität Stuttgart – GERMANY
1207. Universitatea Politehnica Timisoara ROMANIA
1208. Université de Lorraine – FRANCE
1209. Université de Montpellier – FRANCE
1210. Université du Québec à Chicoutimi CANADA
1211. Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières CANADA
1212. Université Gustave Eiffel FRANCE
1213. Université Laval – CANADA
1214. Universite numerique Cheikh Hamidou KANE – SENEGAL
1215. Université Paris Cité FRANCE
1216. Université Savoie Mont Blanc FRANCE
1217. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia – MALAYSIA
1218. Universiti Putra Malaysia – MALAYSIA
1219. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin MALAYSIA
1220. University “G. d’Annunzio” – Chieti-Pescara ITALY
1221. University “Goce Delcev” MACEDONIA
1222. University “Prof. Dr. Assen Zlatarov” BULGARIA
1223. University and INFN Cagliari – ITALY
1224. University at Albany UNITED STATES
1225. University Cambridge UNITED KINGDOM
1226. University College Cork – IRELAND
1227. University College Dublin – IRELAND
1228. University College of Norwegian Correctional Service NORWAY
1229. University College of Teacher Education Vienna – AUSTRIA
1230. University Dzemal Bijedic of Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
1231. University for Foreigners of Perugia – ITALY
1232. University Gustave Eiffel FRANCE
1233. University Hospitals of Leicester – UNITED KINGDOM
1234. University Mittweida – GERMANY
1235. University North – CROATIA
1236. University of Aarhus DENMARK
1237. University of Adelaide AUSTRALIA
1238. University of Agder – NORWAY
1239. University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca
1240. University of Aizu – JAPAN
1241. University of Alabama UNITED STATES
1242. University of Alberta -CANADA
1243. University of Alcalá SPAIN
1244. University of Alfashir – SUDAN
1245. University of Alicante – SPAIN
1246. University of Almería – SPAIN
1247. University of Antwerp – BELGIUM
1248. University of Appled Arts Vienna AUSTRIA
1249. University of Applied Sciences – GERMANY
1250. University of Applied Sciences – Technikum Wien AUSTRIA
1251. University of Applied Sciences & Arts Northwestern Switzerland SWITZERLAND
1252. University of Applied Sciences Baltazar Zaprešić CROATIA
1253. University of Applied Sciences Campus Vienna – AUSTRIA
1254. University of Applied Sciences FH JOANNEUM AUSTRIA
1255. University of Applied Sciences for Social Work, Education and Nursing – GERMANY
1256. University of Applied Sciences Hamburg GERMANY
1257. University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj ALBANIA
1258. University of Applied Sciences in Tarnow POLAND
1259. University of Applied Sciences NETHERLANDS
1260. University of Applied Sciences Northwestern Switzerland – SWITZERLAND
1261. University of Applied Sciences Stralsund – GERMANY
1262. University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria – AUSTRIA
1263. University of Applied Sciences Western Switzerland (HES-SO) – SWITZERLAND
1264. University of Applied Sciences Zagreb – CROATIA
1265. University of Applied Sciences: Technology, Business and Design – GERMANY
1266. University of Arizona – UNITED STATES
1267. University of Arizona UNITED STATES
1268. University of Auckland – NEW ZEALAND
1269. University of Bahrai – BAHRAIN
1270. University of Bari – ITALY
1271. University of Bari Aldo Moro ITALY
1272. University of Bath UNITED KINGDOM
1273. University of Bedfordshire – UNITED KINGDOM
1274. University of Beira Interior – PORTUGAL
1275. University of Belgrade – SERBIA
1276. University of Bergamo – ITALY
1277. University of Bergen NORWAY
1278. University of Bologna ITALY
1279. University of Bolton UNITED KINGDOM
1280. University of Borås SWEDEN
1281. University of Bristol – UNITED KINGDOM
1282. University of British Columbia – CANADA
1283. University of Bucharest ROMANIA
1284. University of Burgos – SPAIN
1285. University of Cádiz – SPAIN
1286. University of California, Berkeley – UNITED STATES
1287. University of Cambridge UNITED KINGDOM
1288. University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli” ITALY
1289. University of Canberra AUSTRALIA
1290. University of Cantabria – SPAIN
1291. University of Canterbury NEW ZEALAND
1292. University of Cape Town – SOUTH AFRICA
1293. University of Cassino and Southern Lazio – ITALY
1294. University of Castilla-La Mancha – SPAIN
1295. University of Catania – ITALY
1296. University of Central Florida – UNITED STATES
1297. University of Cincinnati UNITED STATES
1298. University of Coimbra – PORTUGAL
1299. University of Colombo School of Computing SRI LANKA
1300. University of Colorado Colorado Springs UNITED STATES
1301. University of Córdoba – SPAIN
1302. University of Creative Communication CZECH REPUBLIC
1303. University of Cyprus CYPRUS
1304. University of Chile – CHILE
1305. University of Debrecen HUNGARY
1306. University of Delaware UNITED STATES
1307. University of Deusto SPAIN
1308. University of Dubai UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
1309. University of Dundee UNITED KINGDOM
1310. University of Eastern Finland – FINLAND
1311. University of Economics in Bratislava SLOVAKIA
1312. University of Edinburgh – UNITED KINGDOM
1313. University of Education Karlsruhe – GERMANY
1314. University of Education Ludwigsburg GERMANY
1315. University of Education Upper Austria – AUSTRIA
1316. University of Education Weingarten – GERMANY
1317. University of Essex UNITED KINGDOM
1318. University of Extremadura – SPAIN
1319. University of Ferrara ITALY
1320. University of Florence – ITALY
1321. University of Florida UNITED STATES
1322. University of Fort Hare – SOUTH AFRICA
1323. University of Fribourg – SWITZERLAND
1324. University of Gdansk POLAND
1325. University of Genoa – ITALY
1326. University of Georgia – UNITED STATES
1327. University of Glasgow – SINGAPORE
1328. University of Goettingen GERMANY
1329. University of Gothenburg – SWEDEN
1330. University of Granada – SPAIN
1331. University of Guadalajara – MEXICO
1332. University of Guelph CANADA
1333. University of Hamburg – GERMANY
1334. University of Hawaii at Manoa UNITED STATES
1335. University of Helsinki – FINLAND
1336. University of Hertfordshire – UNITED KINGDOM
1337. University of Hohenheim GERMANY
1338. University of Houston – UNITED STATES
1339. University of Hradec Kralove – CZECH REPUBLIC
1340. University of Huddersfield – UNITED KINGDOM
1341. University of Huelva SPAIN
1342. University of Hull UNITED KINGDOM
1343. University of Iceland ICELAND
1344. University of Ilorin – NIGERIA
1345. University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign UNITED STATES
1346. University of International Studies of Rome – ITALY
1347. University of Ioannina – GREECE
1348. University of Jaén – SPAIN
1349. University of Johannesburg – SOUTH AFRICA
1350. University of Jordan – JORDAN
1351. University of Jyvaskyla – FINLAND
1352. University of Karachi PAKISTAN
1353. University of Kent – UNITED KINGDOM
1354. University of Kwazulu-Natal SOUTH AFRICA
1355. University of La Laguna – SPAIN
1356. University of La Rioja – SPAIN
1357. University of Lapland – FINLAND
1358. University of L’Aquila ITALY
1359. University of Latvia – LATVIA
1360. University of Leeds – UNITED KINGDOM
1361. University of Leicester UNITED KINGDOM
1362. University of León – SPAIN
1363. University of Lethbridge CANADA
1364. University of Leuven – BELGIUM
1365. University of Library Science and Information Technology BULGARIA
1366. University of Life Sciences ROMANIA
1367. University of Limassol – CYPRUS
1368. University of Limerick – IRELAND
1369. University of Lisbon PORTUGAL
1370. University of Liverpool – UNITED KINGDOM
1371. University of Ljubljana – SLOVENIA
1372. University of Lodz POLAND
1373. University of London HONG KONG
1374. University of Louisiana at Lafayette UNITED STATES
1375. University of Lübeck GERMANY
1376. University of Macedonia – GREECE
1377. University of Macerata – ITALY
1378. University of Madeira – PORTUGAL
1379. University of Maine – UNITED STATES
1380. University of Málaga – SPAIN
1381. University of Malta – MALTA
1382. University of Manchester – UNITED KINGDOM
1383. University of Maribor – SLOVENIA
1384. University of Massachusetts UNITED STATES
1385. University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila” ROMANIA
1386. University of Memphis UNITED STATES
1387. University of Messina – ITALY
1388. University of Minho – PORTUGAL
1389. University of Minnesota UNITED STATES
1390. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia ITALY
1391. University of Mons – BELGIUM
1392. University of Montreal CANADA
1393. University of Mostar BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
1394. University of Murcia – SPAIN
1395. University of Namibia NAMIBIA
1396. University of Naples Federico II ITALY
1397. University of Nebraska Lincoln UNITED STATES
1398. University of Nevada, Las Vegas – UNITED STATES
1399. University of New Mexico – UNITED STATES
1400. University of New South Wales – AUSTRALIA
1401. University of Nicosia CYPRUS
1402. University of Niš – SERBIA
1403. University of North Carolina at Charlotte UNITED STATES
1404. University of North Carolina at Greensboro UNITED STATES
1405. University of North Dakota UNITED STATES
1406. University of North Florida – UNITED STATES
1407. University of North Texas UNITED STATES
1408. University of Northampton -UNITED KINGDOM
1409. University of Northern Colorado – UNITED STATES
1410. University of Nottingham – UNITED KINGDOM
1411. University of Novi Sad SERBIA
1412. University of Oldenburg GERMANY
1413. University of Ontario Institute of Technology CANADA
1414. University of Oradea – ROMANIA
1415. University of Oslo – NORWAY
1416. University of Ostrava – CZECH REPUBLIC
1417. University of Ottawa CANADA
1418. University of Oviedo – SPAIN
1419. University of Padova – ITALY
1420. University of Palermo ITALY
1421. University of Pardubice – CZECH REPUBLIC
1422. University of Passau – GERMANY
1423. University of Patras – GREECE
1424. University of Pavia – ITALY
1425. University of Pécs HUNGARY
1426. University of Peloponnese GREECE
1427. University of Pisa ITALY
1428. University of Pittsburgh – UNITED STATES
1429. University of Plovdiv “Paisii Hilendarski” BULGARIA
1430. University of Prešov – SLOVAKIA
1431. University of Pretoria SOUTH AFRICA
1432. University of Primorska SLOVENIA
1433. University of Prishtina KOSOVO
1434. University of Puerto Rico at Mayaguez – PUERTO RICO
1435. University of Regensburg GERMANY
1436. University of Rhode Island – UNITED STATES
1437. University of Rijeka – CROATIA
1438. University of Salamanca – SPAIN
1439. University of Salento ITALY
1440. University of Salerno – ITALY
1441. University of Salford – UNITED KINGDOM
1442. University of Santiago de Compostela – SPAIN
1443. University of Santiago de Chile CHILE
1444. University of Sarajevo BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA
1445. University of Saskatchewan CANADA
1446. University of Seville – SPAIN
1447. University of Sharjah UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
1448. University of Sheffield UNITED KINGDOM
1449. University of Siegen – GERMANY
1450. University of South Africa – SOUTH AFRICA
1451. University of South Australia – AUSTRALIA
1452. University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice – CZECH REPUBLIC
1453. University of South Florida – UNITED STATES
1454. University of South Wales – UNITED KINGDOM
1455. University of Southampton – UNITED KINGDOM
1456. University of South-Eastern Norway NORWAY
1457. University of Southern California – UNITED STATES
1458. University of Southern Denmark – DENMARK
1459. University of Southern Mississippi – UNITED STATES
1460. University of Split – CROATIA
1461. University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava – SLOVAKIA
1462. University of St. Andrews UNITED KINGDOM
1463. University of St. Gallen SWITZERLAND
1464. University of Stavanger – NORWAY
1465. University of Sunderland – UNITED KINGDOM
1466. University of Talca CHILE
1467. University of Tartu – ESTONIA
1468. University of Teacher Education – State of Vaud (HEPVD)
1469. University of Technology and Applied Sciences – OMAN
1470. University of Technology, Sydney AUSTRALIA
1471. University of Texas – UNITED STATES
1472. University of Texas at Arlington UNITED STATES
1473. University of Texas at Dallas UNITED STATES
1474. University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center – UNITED STATES
1475. University of Texas Rio Grande Valley UNITED STATES
1476. University of the Aegean – GREECE
1477. University of the Azores PORTUGAL
1478. University of the Basque Country UPV-EHU – SPAIN
1479. University of the Bundeswehr Munich GERMANY
1480. University of the District of Columbia UNITED STATES
1481. University of the Free State – SOUTH AFRICA
1482. University of the Republic URUGUAY
1483. University of the Western Cape – SOUTH AFRICA
1484. University of the Witwatersrand – SOUTH AFRICA
1485. University of Thessaly – GREECE
1486. University of Toronto CANADA
1487. University of Toronto Scarborough – CANADA
1488. University of Trás-os-Montes and Alto Douro PORTUGAL
1489. University of Trento – ITALY
1490. University of Tsukuba – JAPAN
1491. University of Utah UNITED STATES
1492. University of Valladolid – SPAIN
1493. University of Valle D’Aosta ITALY
1494. University of Venda SOUTH AFRICA
1495. University of Verona – ITALY
1496. University of Versailles Saint Quentin FRANCE
1497. University of Vigo – SPAIN
1498. University of Warwick – UNITED KINGDOM
1499. University of Washington Tacoma UNITED STATES
1500. University of West Attica GREECE
1501. University of West Bohemia – CZECH REPUBLIC
1502. University of Western Australia AUSTRALIA
1503. University of Westminster UNITED KINGDOM
1504. University of Wisconsin-Stout UNITED STATES
1505. University of Würzburg GERMANY
1506. University of York – UNITED KINGDOM
1507. University of Zagreb – CROATIA
1508. University of Zaragoza – SPAIN
1509. University of Zielona Góra – POLAND
1510. University of Žilina – SLOVAKIA
1511. University of Zululand – SOUTH AFRICA
1512. University of Zurich SWITZERLAND
1513. University of. Ss. Cyril and Metodius in Trnava SLOVAKIA
1514. University Putra Malaysia – MALAYSIA
1515. University West – SWEDEN
1516. University Zürich – SWITZERLAND
1517. Univerzitet u Novom Sadu – SERBIA
1518. Uno Academy – ISRAEL
1520. Upgrade Education SRL ROMANIA
1521. Upper Austria University of Applied Sciences – AUSTRIA
1522. Uppsala University – SWEDEN
1523. Ural Federal University – RUSSIAN FEDERATION
1525. UT Southwestern Academic Medical Center – UNITED STATES
1526. Utah State University – UNITED STATES
1527. Utrecht University of Applied Science NETHERLANDS
1528. Vaal University of Technology – SOUTH AFRICA
1529. Vanderbilt University – UNITED STATES
1531. VIA University College DENMARK
1532. Via University College, The Animation Workshop – DENMARK
1533. Victor Babes University of Medicine and Pharmacy ROMANIA
1534. Vidzeme University of Applied Sciences LATVIA
1535. Vienna University of Economics and Business – AUSTRIA
1536. Vilniaus Kolegija – LITHUANIA
1537. Vilnius College of Technologies and Design (VTDK) – LITHUANIA
1538. Vilnius University – LITHUANIA
1539. Vinted – LITHUANIA
1540. Virginia Commonwealth University – UNITED STATES
1541. VitalSource Technologies – UNITED KINGDOM
1542. Vitero GmbH – GERMANY
1543. Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam – NETHERLANDS
1544. Vrije Universiteit Brussel – BELGIUM
1545. VSB – Technical University of Ostrava – CZECH REPUBLIC
1546. VU Šiauliai Academy – LITHUANIA
1547. Vysoká škola technická a ekonomická v ?eských Bud?jovicích – CZECH REPUBLIC
1548. Vytautas Magnus University – LITHUANIA
1549. Warsaw University of Life Sciences – POLAND
1550. Warwick University UNITED KINGDOM
1551. Waseda University JAPAN
1552. Wayne State University UNITED STATES
1553. Web2Learn GREECE
1554. WebDBTech/HealthReasoning UNITED STATES
1555. Weber State University -UNITED STATES
1556. Webster University in St Louis – UNITED STATES
1557. Wentworth Institute of Technology – UNITED STATES
1558. West Galilee Academic College ISRAEL
1559. West University of Timisoara – ROMANIA
1560. Western KY University – UNITED STATES
1561. Western Norway University of Applied Sciences – NORWAY
1562. Western University CHINA
1563. Western University Higher Education – NORWAY
1564. Western Washington University UNITED STATES
1565. Westfälische Hochschule – University of Applied Sciences GERMANY
1566. West-Kazakhstan Innovative-Technological University – KAZAKHSTAN
1567. Westsächsische Hochschule Zwickau GERMANY
1568. White Loop Limited UNITED KINGDOM
1569. Whitireia/WelTec NEW ZEALAND
1570. Windesheim University NETHERLANDS
1571. Winston-Salem State University UNITED STATES
1572. Wits School of Education – SOUTH AFRICA
1573. Worcester Polytechnic Institute UNITED STATES
1574. World Aquatics SWITZERLAND
1575. Wroclaw University of Science and Technology POLAND
1576. WU Vienna – AUSTRIA
1577. x23 Science in Society ITALY
1578. Xavier Institute of Social Service INDIA
1579. Xavier University of Louisiana – UNITED STATES
1580. Yasar University – TURKEY
1581. Yezreel Valley College – ISRAEL
1582. Yildiz Technical University – TURKEY
1583. Yokohama National University – JAPAN
1584. York House School – CANADA
1585. York University – CANADA
1587. Zagreb School of Eonomics and Management – CROATIA
1588. Zagreb University of Applied Sciences CROATIA
1589. Zayed University UNITED ARAB EMIRATES
1590. ZBW Leibniz Information Centre for Economics GERMANY
1591. Zurich University of Applied Sciences SWITZERLAND
1592. zyBooks, a Wiley Company – UNITED STATES
31. IRAN
32. IRAQ
50. OMAN
52. PERU