Centro Formazione Professionale Cebano Monregalese scarl


CFPCeMon is a story of passion and training that began in 1953 on the initiative of the Circolo ACLI of Ceva with evening courses related to the mechanical sector, aimed at unemployed young people.

The CFP of Ceva under the leadership of Ernesto Rebaudengo assisted by a group of motivated and passionate teachers grows and consolidates its presence becoming a reference point of the territory, starting in 1972 the management of the C.F.P. is transferred directly to the Piedmont Region.

Glorious years and other difficult ones, among them ’94 with the considerable flood damage.

Thanks to the tenacity and dedication of a small group of people, following the enactment of R.L. April 13, 1995 No. 63 (Art. 15), the Cebano Monregalese Professional Training Center Società Consortile a R.L. with a public-private corporate structure was founded on February 24, 1999, strongly desired by the local governments and the main trade associations in the area.

The founding members are the local authorities of the area, the trade associations and some production and service companies that bet on the CFP’s ability to offer concrete answers to the training needs of the area, CFPCeMon officially starts its adventure.

In 2000, the Mondovì branch was opened, kicking off a rapid growth of the structure in response to the needs of the area, especially of young people trained in the various sectors, but also for the continuous updating and retraining of those already in the productive world.

The mechanical sector meets great interest from companies in the area and an excellent employment outlet for young people, CFPCeMon equips its workshops with two new Numerical Control machining centers, in Ceva in 2007 and in Mondovì in 2011.

In 2011 at the Ceva location, training courses in the Aesthetics sector begin: thanks to funding from the Piedmont Region, CFPCeMon sets up the Aesthetics Workshop equipped with equipment that allows young girls to acquire the Professional Qualification to work in the Wellness sector.

In 2011 a new location is opened in Fossano: at a time of uncertainty and general crisis, CFPCeMon reacts strongly and activates a series of first qualification and specialization courses for adults in a new territory.

In 2012, the “Business Services” activity is strongly implemented, which aims to provide a response to all the training needs of businesses. Through the main Interprofessional Funds and with ESF opportunities, CFPCeMon operators are supporting enterprises to fulfill their training needs.

The Ceva office is equipped with a well-equipped welding laboratory thanks to which, in addition to basic training, examination sessions for the issuance of Welding Patents have been organized for the past ten years in cooperation with RINA in Genoa.

In 2012 the first 3D printers landed at CFPCeMon.

In 2013 at the Mondovì location, the Catering Laboratory is set up, allowing years of experience in the food and wine sector to be put to good use in collaboration with I.P.S.S.A.R Giolitti of Mondovì.

In 2014 CFPCeMon with the training agency A.F.P. Colline Astigiane, joined the Regional Call for Transnational Mobility entitled “STOCK YOUR SKILLS.” The project offers the opportunity for 10 students, selected from among those who have qualified in the Wellness sector, to spend a period of internship in Valencia to deepen their study of the language and broaden their professional and cultural horizons.

In July 2014, the regional project first and then the national “Youth Guarantee” project began, CFPCeMon has been very active since the beginning, both in terms of training and orientation information and the activation of training internships.

For several years now, adhering to an initiative of the Piedmont Region called “Class 2.0,” innovative teaching methodologies have been experimented, particularly in the study of basic skills with the use of tablets provided to students.

Many investments in equipment made in CFPCeMon’s facilities were also made possible thanks to the contribution of the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Cuneo, which is always sensitive and attentive to the needs of education and education.

Today CFPCeMon is a point of reference for training, vocational guidance and Employment Services for a vast territory that refers to the three operating offices in Ceva, Mondovì and Fossano. A tangible sign of the presence are the thousands of professionals the CFP has trained in its more than 60 years of activity.

Qualified and motivated personnel are engaged every day in giving the best answers to users in the various moments of their professional lives. The constant updating of operators makes CFPCeMon ready for the new challenges of the labor market.


Reference: Centro Formazione Professionale Cebano Monregalese scarl (s.f.). Storia. http://www.cfpcemon.it/history

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VET educational center


IT, Mechanics

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