Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional César Manrique


The CIFP César Manrique is an Integrated Vocational Training Centre, and as such, it has the possibility of teaching courses leading to Vocational Training qualifications and certificates of professionalism.

Among the objectives that the CIFP aims to achieve are to increase the qualification of people and the adaptation of their training itineraries throughout their lives, as well as to carry out all those actions aimed at achieving the insertion or reintegration of workers into the labour market.

They will also be able to respond to the training demands of companies in their respective environments. They are also expected to carry out actions to facilitate the assessment and accreditation of professional competences acquired through professional practice or other non-formal means. The Network of Integrated Centres aims to be an advanced tool that makes the integrated Vocational Training system a reality, placing the emphasis on the recipients of the training and acting as a catalyst for the actions of the educational and labour administrations.

The Integrated Centres must serve to develop links with the productive system of their environment, collaborating with social agents, business and trade union organisations in the detection of the training needs of active personnel and the unemployed, as well as participating in the tasks of research, development and innovation in the different sectors. The Network of Integrated Vocational Training Centres of the Canary Islands began to be built from the creation of the first six centres, by virtue of Decree 92/2013, by which Integrated Vocational Training Centres were created by transformation of Secondary Education Institutes in the scope of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands. This network is currently made up of the following educational centres:

CIFP César Manrique
CIFP La Laguna
CIFP Las Indias
CIFP Los Gladiolos
CIFP Majada Marcial
CIFP Cruz de Piedra
CIFP San Cristóbal
CIFP Villa de Agüimes
CIFP Zonzamas

We are a different kind of centre in that we have training cycles in 5 professional families. Some of these cycles are only found in our centre on the island of Tenerife. The fact that we have training cycles makes us a more open centre, without compulsory education and where people come of their own free will.


Reference:Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional César Manrique (s.f.). Quienes somos. https://cifpcesarmanrique.es/quienes-somos/

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VET educational center


Electronics, IT

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