Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Someso


CIFP Someso is a public Vocational Education and Training (VET) institution belonging to the Xunta of Galicia, Spain.

The institution was founded in 1962, and throughout its history, it has undergone various changes. Presently, it is a highly regarded vocational school in Galicia and belongs to the network of Integrated Centers of Vocational Training (CIFP).

CIFP Someso gives instruction in 5 professional areas: personal image, car mechanics, wood and furniture, building and civil works and mechanical manufacturing.

Our courses are very extensive, and include several diplomas belonging to basic, intermediate and higher level of vocational education with different options: regular, modular, online and dual-system (as danish or german vocational model).

The educational levels offered are framed in post-secondary education (level 3 according to International Standard Classification of Education, ISCED), and higher education (level 5).

The age range of our students is broad, in line with the variety of diplomas offered: from young people with 15 years to workers with more than 40 years.

The school activities take place in the morning and evening.

In comparison with the rest of galician educational centres dependent on Xunta de Galicia, CIFP Somerso is a large one. In fact, in the last school year there were 105 teachers and 1300 students approximately.

Besides of teaching, processes for the recognition of competences and professional qualifications, training courses for unemployed people, seminars, workshops take place. CIFP Someso also fosters entrepreneurship addressed to young people through a business incubator where personal and professional advise is available.

All the activities carried out by our school are managed under an ISO 9001 standard since 2012.

CIFP Someso is located at A Coruña. Its surroundings are purely urban.

This city and its region generates 55% of galician Gross Value Added (Ardan report corresponding to 2015). The services and financial sectors, the port activity and also the industrial sector, are the main economic activities.

The city is the largest financial and business center in Galicia.

Its area of influence covers a large part of the province of A Coruña, although it also receives students from neighbouring provinces and other spanish regions due to the special character of some diplomas taught.

One of the aspects on which the CIFP Someso has been working in recent years has been its internationalization in order to adapt to the changes experienced by the world where we live, with borders among countries more diffused and increasingly globalized, and respond adequately to the demands of our educational community.

Among our objectives there is one that stands out above all. Basically, being an useful tool for all those students, teachers and non-teaching staff interested in advancing and updating their professional skills.

The transfer of good practices and the possibility of completing training in educational institutions or prestigious foreign companies are obvious examples of the actions associated with this facet promoted by CIFP Someso.

The international projects developed in the CIFP Someso are framed inside the so called european educational programs promoted and funded by the European Union. These programmes are organized in periods of six years and, currently, between 2013 and 2020, we are immersed in the Erasmus+ programme.

The actions promoted by CIFP Someso are mobility and partnerships projects.

Mobility projects are the most popular in school and are adressed to both students and teachers belonging to all levels of education.

Thanks to these projects, for example, students can carry out the mandatory professional placement, included within the spanish VET curricululm, or recent graduates can carry out some placements in foreign companies. In the case of teachers, they also can do professional placements in companies or in educational institutions.

In the case of partnership projects, the issue is that a group of entities from various european countries, with importance in the education sector and/or in the labour market, work together in the development or implementation of an idea that will have to do with innovation or transfer of good practices.

This type of projects is less common since they involve an important logistics effort and commitment on the part of participants involved who belong to our institution. However, we also have some experience regarding them.

For the implementation of these Erasmus+ projects, CIFP Someso has a wide network of partners that has been building over the last few years. The profile of our partners is varied: companies, VET institutions, universities, municipalities, etc.

The countries we work with are mostly located within the EU, such as Italy, Portugal, Germany, France, United Kingdom, Poland, Lithuania, Czech Republic and Finland. We also have non-member partners located at Bosnia-Herzegovina and Thailand. In fact, we are trying to promote this type of collaboration because we believe that they have a great potential for some of the technical disciplines that are taught in our school.

CIFP Someso is an active, dynamic and open-minded educational institution that is always open to collaborating with foreign entities in any of the aforementioned actions, as well as in others that have not been mentioned and that are also possible within Erasmus+ such as mobility of studies directed to students or mobility of teaching in the case of teachers.

We are always ready to expand our network of international contacts in order to offer our school community members the best options. Therefore, we guarantee our partners an equivalent and preferential treatment in whatever they need. Our terms of service are based on seriousness, commitment and enthusiasm.

If you are interested in collaborating with CIFP Someso or just want to know what options we can think of, you only have to contact us via email or phone. We will be delighted to assist you.


Reference: Centro Integrado de Formación Profesional Someso (s.f.). Our Centre: CIFP Someso. https://cifpsomeso.edu.es/english/

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VET educational center



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