Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Ciutat de l’Aprenent


The CIPFP Ciudad del Aprendiz aims to respond to the training, human, cultural and scientific-technical needs of people in order to provide them with comprehensive training, guidance and recognition of skills throughout their lives. To this end, it aims to promote maximum personal and professional development through the use of new techniques and thus respond to the expectations of our students and their families. It also aims to contribute with companies and institutions to the development and improvement of society through respect for the environment and the desire for continuous improvement.

To be a centre of reference in integrated vocational training and for this reason we aspire to be recognised for:

  • Providing comprehensive, continuous and flexible lifelong learning.
  • Responding to the expectations of students, families, companies and organisations in our environment in a way that facilitates access to the world of work and to university or other studies.
  • Continuously improve the methodology, implementation and use of technical innovations, using ICT as a permanent learning and communication resource.
  • Permanently update and efficiently manage the centre’s facilities and equipment.

The members of our school share the following values:

  • Orientation towards the pupil and the community in general.
  • Innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Respect for the environment.
  • Professionalism, confidentiality and teamwork.
  • Entrepreneurial mentality.
  • Equal opportunities.
  • Respect for individual and collective rights.
  • Employment opportunities for our students.
  • Active and creative participation in our environment.


Reference: Centro Integrado Público de Formación Profesional Ciutat de l’Aprenent (s.f.). Un paseo por ciutat de l´aprenent. http://fpaprenent.com/el-centro/

Additional information




VET educational center


Electronics, Mechanics

Have the entity coordinated mobilities?


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