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The Integrated Vocational Training Centre of Ponferrada was created in the 2013-14 academic year with the professional families of Communication, Image and Sound, Administration and Management and Computer Science and Communications.

In total there are seven training cycles of Intermediate, Superior and distance modality. Forty people currently work in the centre, including teachers, administrative and service staff.

The CENTRO INTEGRADO DE FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL DE PONFERRADA is a public centre with the following mission:

  • To provide an educational service aimed at the integral development of our students and the workers in our sector through professional qualification, academic and professional guidance and the recognition of competences.
  • To contribute to the sustainable economic and social development of its environment by committing to innovation and continuous improvement, in order to increase the value of the services it provides every day, facilitating the personal growth of all the people involved in it and contributing to the improvement of the employability of professionals and the competitiveness of companies.
  • To be the main reference point for society, families and companies in our environment in the vocational training of the courses it is authorised to provide.


  • That offers the best options for the qualification of its students and guarantees that its graduates have acquired a professional competence in accordance with the demands of the market.
  • That offers educational and professional guidance within the framework of lifelong learning and obtains good results in the promotion and labour market insertion of our students and graduates.
  • Open to collaboration with companies and to the European projection of training.
  • That contributes to the economic, social and business development of its environment, improving the employability and productivity of workers and the competitiveness of companies.
  • That promotes education for entrepreneurial initiative and competence.
  • That participates in a network of knowledge and innovation between VET and companies, organising and making available resources efficient, in order to improve the relationship between training and the needs of the productive system.
  • Where coexistence is based on respect for rules and people and their autonomy and responsibility, taking the business organisation as a reference.
  • Aimed at improving teaching and learning processes by incorporating active methodologies into the curriculum based on the professional profile and the productive environment.
  • That promotes the training of its teachers and updates the techniques and equipment according to the needs of the productive sectors related to the professional families of its offer.


Reference: CIFP DE PONFERRADA (s.f.). Nuestro centro. Misión Visión Valores.

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VET educational center



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