
The Tolosaldea Integrated Vocational Training Institute is a public educational centre located in the Santa Lutzia district of Tolosa where it coexists with other public educational centres (Samaniego Ikastetxea, IES Orixe), forming what is called the Santa Lutzia educational complex.
The centre also has extensive experience in continuous training (for workers) and occupational training (for the unemployed) as well as in internships for students in companies.

The centre offers technological support to companies and in the same way they develop projects in collaboration with them.

The CIFP Tolosaldea LHII dates back, in its origins, to the old “School of Arts and Crafts” at the beginning of the century. Later, it continued to operate as a School of Work first and from 1955 as a Master’s School.

The move to the new building in the Barrio de Santa Lucía and the conversion into an EEMM Institute provided the centre with better facilities and a larger entity.

From the mid-1980s onwards, the school began a process of rapprochement with the business world, launching a pilot project of work experience placements. Also in the mid-1980s, the centre became involved in the implementation of the early experience of educational reform.

In 1998, the Department of Education redrafted the School Map of the Basque Autonomous Community and the centre became a Vocational Training Institute to provide cycles and continuous training.

By decree of the Department of Education, our centre has been part, since 1998, of the network of integral VET centres, whose mission is to contribute to the development of the Basque Vocational Training Plan.

In July 2001, the Department of Education qualified the IFPS Tolosaldea as a research and experimentation centre in order to develop a project, GUNEKA, for research into new forms of organisation and operation of centres that provide initial and continuing vocational training.

In July 2015, the Department of Education designated it as an Integrated Vocational Training Centre. This new legal status allows it to have greater autonomy and become a centre of reference.

It also collaborates with Tknika in the dissemination of quality, with surrounding companies and public administrations in the Basque System of Professional Qualifications, as well as with the Basque Placement Service LANBIDE.


Reference: CIFP TOLOSALDEA LHII (s.f.). Presentación e Historia.

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VET educational center


Electronics, IT, Mechanics

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