CPIFP Bajo Aragón


The Centro Público Integrado de Formación Profesional Bajo Aragón de Alcañiz was created in the 2010/11 academic year with the splitting of the IES Bajo Aragón into two independent centres, with the CPIFP taking on the teaching of Vocational Training.
The management of both centres is independent, although we continue to share some spaces and facilities
The school’s secretary’s office, the headmaster’s, head of studies and guidance offices, as well as the administrative and electrical teaching are located in the Loscos building.
Our primary mission is to improve and accredit the professional qualification of the active population of its territorial area, giving them guidance to favour their labour insertion and meet the demands of the productive fabric.
In the centre we teach the education system of five professional families: Administration, Automotive, Computer Science, Health and Electricity.
In the CPIFP as well:
– There is an employment exchange that students can join at the end of their studies.
– Vocational Training for Employment aimed at employed and unemployed workers (INAEM courses).
– Professional Information and Guidance for employed and unemployed workers.
– Procedures for the Evaluation and Accreditation of Competences (PEAC) are managed, which serve to formally recognise work experience.


Reference: CPIFP Bajo Aragón (s.f.). Presentación del centro. https://cpifpbajoaragon.com/dptos-estrategicos/calidad-y-mejora-continua/proyecto-funcional/

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VET educational center


Electronics, IT

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