Escola Profissional do Minho


In 1985 the Noroeste Pioneira professional training project was born, inserted in the cooperative dynamics of Novos Pioneiros, whose precepts of economy and social welfare formed the principles and values of the school. For several years, Noroeste Pioneira, in partnership with its promoting entity, developed countless actions whose success guaranteed hundreds of young people professional qualification.

In 1999, after a long period of reflection and a 10-year experience capital, the school’s identification and symbol were changed, its short and medium term objectives were reinforced and a new strategic direction of cooperation among other local institutions was defined. The Escola Profissional do Minho – Esprominho was born – an educational establishment, legally constituted under the Decree-Law nº4/98 and other legislation in force, recognized by the Ministry of Education, with the status of a private and cooperative educational establishment.

The vocational training, taught by the School, developed in two distinct poles, located in the two district capital cities of the Minho region: Braga and Viana do Castelo. Currently, Esprominho is only in Braga, possessing adequate spaces for the development and support of training activities.


  • To develop approximation mechanisms between the School and economic, professional, associative, cultural institutions, among others, of the surrounding social fabric;
  • To provide trainees with contacts with the world of work and professional experience leading to an adequate cultural and socio-professional insertion;
  • To promote the realization, individually or in collaboration with other local and regional institutions, of professional training actions, in the most varied modalities, with a view to implementing a training project for qualified human resources, with particular incidence at regional and local level;
  • Provide trainees with a solid general, scientific and technological training, capable of preparing them for active life and for the continuation of their studies;
  • To contribute to the creation of jobs, taking into account the aims of the employment policy, through technical and pedagogical support in the fields of organization and management of vocational training;
  • To participate in technical cooperation activities, in the field of training, developed with local, regional and international organizations.


Our mission focuses on the organization of training at the various levels of education and training integrated in diversified paths of professional qualification, in order to provide young people and adults with professional and citizenship knowledge and skills that will enable them to better insert themselves in the world of work in close articulation with the economic and social fabric.


We aim to organize training with reference to the most advanced and consistent projects being developed in the countries of the European Union and the OECD.

We intend to be an educating school, creating free and reflective citizens (competent in emotional management), participative and socially committed; integrating, able to meet the educational needs of students; recognized by the community as a pole of skills (knowing how to be-being-doing); international, a Portuguese school for Europe and for the world.


Reference: Escola Profissional do Minho. Somos muito mais que uma escola.

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