
Ikasia Technologies is a technology company established in 2015 as a spin-off of the Universitat Politècnica de València and promoted by the Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering. The objective of Ikasia is to contribute to knowledge and collaborate with the social and technological development of our society, thus contributing to a better future. Therefore, it not only carries out a constant process of research and development, but, through the coordination and participation in projects of the Erasmus Plus Program, it promotes the inclusion of people with fewer opportunities, especially VET students with obstacles.

In this sense, the entity has 3 main areas of work:

1. Development of educational projects. Through educational projects in the field of vocational and adult training, it seeks to generate resources that encourage critical and scientific analysis to promote inclusion and employability of students with obstacles in the technology sector, as they consider that the technological field can provide them with an opportunity for employability and essential inclusion. Thus, in the last seven years he has coordinated and participated in seven projects of the Erasmus Plus Program in collaboration with technology companies in Italy and Portugal and educational centers in France, Greece and Spain.

2. 3D printing. Ikasia has a 3D laboratory in which it develops hybrid materials with plastic, glass or ceramic components through a 3D additive manufacturing process patented by the entity.

3. 3D biotechnology. We are leading additive manufacturing systems in the field of biomedicine for the development of disease models and tissue regeneration. To do this, we create innovative 3D equipment that allows the creation of personalized and biodegradable models for each patient. Our goal is to contribute to improving the quality of life through the creation of effective personalized treatments without adverse effects on the patient.


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Technology company


3D, Electronics, IT, Mechanics

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