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Wrocław University of Science and Technology was established in 1945, mainly as a result of the involvement of the academic staff of the now-defunct Technical University of Lviv and the Jan Kazimierz University in Lviv, who adapted the destroyed buildings of the German School of Technology – Technische Hochschule.

Today we continue the tradition of these prominent Polish universities and develop in close cooperation with the leading companies of Lower Silesia. We are one of the largest and best technical universities in the country, one regularly ranked among the best in the national rankings.

Through research, teaching and interaction we inspire and support the development of individuals who, based on knowledge and ethical standards, being sensitive to social needs and global challenges, shape the future with courage and responsibility.

As a European technical university affirming freedom, truth, curiosity and the joy of learning, we conduct interdisciplinary research and educate to meet the expectations of society and the economy.

The values on which we are founded are:

  • Excellence – working for progress and sustainability, we foster personal development based on the highest standards in education, research and innovation.
  • Interaction – nurturing academic, economic and social partnerships, we combine talents and commitment to effectively achieve individual and social goals.
  • Openness – being open to new ideas and challenges, drawing on the diverse experiences and aspirations of members of the academic community, we respond flexibly to changes, treating them as inspiration and motivation to actively participate in the development of science, economy and society.


Reference: WROCLAW UNIVERSITY. General information. https://pwr.edu.pl/en/university/about-us/general-information

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