On October 13, 2022, José Luis Gómez Ribelles, as a representative of Ikasia Technologies, presented the Erasmus Plus project “TECHVETLAB” to Clarisse Ribeiro, a researcher at the FUNCARB group, a research group at the University of Minho that works in the fields of biotechnology and Biomedical Engineering, to Erlantz Lizundia, associate professor at the Bilbao School of Engineering, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and José Luis Vilas Vilela, director of the Macromolecular Chemistry Research Group of the UPV/EHU, who develops his research in the synthesis and characterization of polymeric materials with special properties.
This presentation not only made it possible to publicize the project to entities with the capacity to implement the project and disseminate it to numerous international research groups in the future, but also to publicize the advantages of the Erasmus Plus programme.

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